June 14, 2024

Spontaneous Yard Sale Chaos…


For those of you who follow me on my Balancing Beauty and Bedlam Facebook page, you know that this past Saturday afternoon I decided to do something quite crazy as I announced a spontaneous yard sale in two days,  Tuesday (as in yesterday), at 11:00 am. I invited any one who lived close to prove to me they weren’t a stalker posing as a sweet lady reader,  and I’d send over the directions.

As a professional yard saler myself, I know that I broke every cardinal rule or piece of advice that I have ever given in terms of how to have your own yard sale.

First, you do NOT hold them spontaneously because you have no time to organize, price or set things out in a presentable way.  Second, you NEVER have them on a Tuesday because you cut out a large majority of your audience,  and third, you do NOT have a yard sale without spending time marketing the sale because it is all about the marketing, and not much marketing can be done with a 48 hour notice, especially when you live in the middle of the country.

Never the less, when you are in your attic noting years of procrastination, and the sudden urge hits to just purge (which doesn’t come around these parts that often), then by all means, be crazy and spontaneous, especially, if you look at your schedule and a nearby weekend won’t work, then just do it. I did it, and people came.

People don’t expect department store organization at a yard sale. When planning a yard sale, often we put so much pressure to have it neat and orderly, and while yes, it would be much better for the shopper than this organized chaos, yard sale shoppers are also pickers. They don’t mind picking through a box of books or sorting through clothes just thrown on a blanket when they know that all those clothes are only $1. And even better, they are so gracious because they see your frazzled state, and understand that you were crazy to try and attempt it in only two days.

But one word of advice for these crazy Tuesday yard sales – know full well that after everyone leaves on Tuesday, and you are left with this many items (above), then you may want to extend it through Wed (TODAY), and spend the day figuring out your plan of attack on what you are going to do with all of the left overs. There will be left overs because 1.) you did it spontaneously, 2.) you didn’t market it, and 3.) you have too many things to get rid of in one day. The worst thing would be to bring all this great stuff back inside the house after you’ve separated yourself from the emotional attachment to any of it…even thought it’s GREAT stuff, it’s still stuff.

That is a peek at how I  have taken leave of “life” for the last few days, and what I have been doing. My 30 Day plus 30 day plus 30 day Shred-less Body feels it (anyone want to get started with me again?) All my big man helpers were not available, and I went up and down three flights of stairs with boxes of books, home decor, Pampered Chef, Homemade Gourmet, more books, Frugal Fashionista clothing, scrapbook and rubber stamp supplies, as well as more and more home school books. This was done NO LESS than 40 times. AH…my body was not made for that, and I feel it in every muscle in my body, along with my big toe, but if feels so good to have things cleared out. There’s still a lot more to go, but it’s a step.

So, if anyone wants to come visit me…today…as in now, and help clear out my really good stuff, come on over. 😉 I’m making big deals.

Have any of you ever decided to do a spontaneous yard sale?


  1. Oh my word! You weren’t kidding.

    I need that office chair, the red boots and that lantern. 🙂

    I also need to get back on my 30 Day Shred. I just said that to hubby last night.


    Jen Reply:

    And that office chair is brand new from Staples…don’t ask, it doesn’t fit behind my hubby’s chair, but yes, someone could probably return it right now for $80. haha…..
    How bad would it be if the red boots don’t sell that I take them back inside and keep them?


  2. Nadir@StitchSense says:

    Oh my, you will be one rough & buff woman after hauling up & down those stairs so much. Did you make good progress yesterday?


  3. Dang! I wish u were in Idaho! I would totally go! I <3 yard sales!!


  4. I bought the 30-day Shred DVD. I even used it for a few days. I would love to be motivated to use it again!

    However, I have always been taught to only work the same muscles every other day. Any idea why there aren’t two different workouts for the next day? Did you have any success with your last try?

    Love your site. Wish I could get up to NC for your yard sale (I live in Columbia, SC)!


    Jen Reply:

    You can read through my 30 Day shred posts. I was so toned and felt SO great after I did it last time, and then I stopped…literally…all exercise. I don’t think that was their intent. 😉 They work out such a variety of muscles every day, that’s why I think they do the same one every day.
    When I started, I could barely do a few push ups, but the end, I was hauling up and down without a bit of effort. I just need to get started again with accountability.


    Joy Reply:

    I wish I lived closer. My three boys would have bought the Legos in a heartbeat. Glad to see that another reader bought them though. 🙂 I would have loved to look through your Frugal Fashionista pile. You have such great style!

    And just a shout out to Allison. I used to live in Columbia, SC about six years ago. We lived there for about 12 years before moving back to NY state to be closer to our families. I miss Columbia.


  5. Joy Vanderley says:

    My rule for garage sales: if it’s hauled out and doesn’t sell it DOES NOT go back in. Load it up and make a sizable donation!!! It will have you feeling better at so many levels.


  6. Will you ship? LOL! Just kidding of course. And yes we’ve totally had spontaneous garage sales. Though never on a Tuesday. My wild hair usually hits around Friday, thank goodness!
    Good luck with it all!


  7. I would do the 30 day shred with you. I might even blog about it too!
    I have a week long family vacation coming up the beginning of June and I would desperately love to be in the next size down by then!


  8. Oh, I see a few things I’d like….too bad I live in a completely different state!!


  9. A few months ago, I would have looked at that picture, enlarged it on my screen, and picked out all the things I would want. Now, I see a bunch of things that would just take up valuable space in my house. So, even if I did live close to you, I might come to meet you, but I probably wouldn’t buy anything. Except that office chair. We do need a new one of those.

    I thought the #1 rule of garage sales was that once it goes out of the house, it doesn’t come back in. I might consider actually planning a weekend in the near future to have an advertised sale, but otherwise, I’d load it all up and donate.

    Oh, and about the Shred – I have it! I think I even committed to it by taking the plastic wrap off. Now I just need to use it….


  10. Deana Perez says:

    Well…I think it was a great yard sale and I was very glad that we were able to make it!!! my kids have been sorting through and playing with the Legos every since we came home yesterday, so that alone was worth the trip 🙂 but having many yardsales my self and vowing to NEVER have another LOL, I did feel for you yesterday as I know how much work they are. but I think you did a great job and yes, the fun of a yard sale is getting to “pick” through and get the good finds!! Take Care and good luck today!!!


    Jen Reply:

    It’s SO fun to have a face, voice and sweet personality to put with this now. I left off the most important part of the post and that is how gracious all you shoppers were with my total unorganization, and lack of complete brain cells. 🙂 Thanks so much for coming!


  11. Hi! I have a weight loss blog that I started last year because I wanted to lose 30lbs by my 30th birthday…and I did, plus some! But, since then I haven’t been very diligent in that area of my life unfortunately. I recently bought the 30 Day Shred so I would love to use it along with you and all the wonderful ladies posted above! It would be nice to have some accountability!!


  12. I’ll come take a look at the homeschool books, but I’ll be out of town until Sunday…if you still have some, I’m interested. 😉


  13. I wish we lived near by…I would sooooo be there!!!!

    I would love to do the 30 day shred with you also. I followed the last time you did it…but never made it to the store to purchase the DVD. I’ll go buy it if you start again.


  14. I have been going throught the great house pruge here too – except I can’t be bothered having a garage sale (kudos to you for doing one!) Today was the second large pick at our that Goodwill has made. Where did I find room to keep all that stuff?

    I would totally be in for the 30 day Shred – although Jillian scares me! Trying to get bikini ready for a Hawaiian vacation in August!


  15. Wow, sounds like you’ve been busy, but it also sounds fun. I think it’s nice to do something totally wild and crazy like that every now and then.
    Funny you should mention the 30 day shred – I just restarted my healthy living and weight loss efforts and have worked out every day this week! I like to have a variety of different things, so I include outdoor walks, going to my YMCA, and several different exercise videos including the 30 day shred (my favorite instructor is Cathe Freidrich).


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