June 18, 2024

Frugal Living – Fox News Segment


Many of you that live out of state have requested that I put the link up here so that you can watch it.
Now, you can chuckle with me. Just don’t look too closely. πŸ™‚

Personally, I am thrilled that the message of frugal living is being looked at more closely as a viable, fun and creative option. The anchor woman set up the piece very nicely, which isn’t shown on the clip. She ended the segment with very positive comments as well.
The segment didn’t go into any specific details on how to accomplish a more frugal lifestyle.
So unfortunately, it may pique curiosity from those who watched it, but since they didn’t actually say the name of my blog…boo hoo…viewers will have to do a bit of work to find me.

All in all, it was a wonderful experience, and I was already asked if I would be open to doing things in the future. πŸ™‚
Surely, I’d be honored…if they name my blog, and don’t make me talk about deep cleaning. hee hee

Click here to see the whole segment – Fox News Interview.


  1. Very nice, positive segment.
    Ooh, and since I’m a stickler, it’s pique.
    Feel free to edit my blog any time you like! ;o


  2. HeathahLee says:

    I think you did great, but I agree they should have put your blog name out there!


  3. Ashley @ Domestic Fashionista says:

    How cute are you! You did a great job! It was fantastic! What a testimony of your life and to your family and to the value of coming back to family life. I just thought it was awesome! πŸ™‚ I love that you shared different parts of your role as “manager” and that you can serve as an icon of women who choose to stay home for their families! I also loved getting a sneak peak at your Easter decorations on your table! I think I have the same tree. πŸ™‚ And your kids are adorable…how fun that they got to be highlighted as well! Thanks for sharing Jen…your new blog looks great as well!


  4. the BLAH BLAH BLAHger says:

    That was SO AWESOME! Good for you for getting the message out there that frugal living is the way to go!!! Seriously, great job.

    And I love your new blog, too!


  5. That was great Jen!


  6. Mom in High Heels says:

    You and your kids are so cute! And your coupon book is impressive!


  7. Serendipit-Us says:

    Way to go, Jen! You were so articulate (as always), concise (as always)…and looked great (as always) :-)I have some ideas for the “Frugal Fashionista”, but I’ll email you directly.



  8. Fantastic…it was such a blessing to watch!! Great truths revealed.


  9. It was a great piece! Congratulations!! I am glad I could watch it from the computer. Thank you for sharing. Your family is beautiful! My 3 are about the same age as your 3 youngest… Zachary just turned 12 in December, Abbie is 9, and Jacob is about to turn 6 on Easter! They really should have mentioned your blog, though. Blessings!


  10. Melissa Lester says:

    Yea, Jen! You did a great job, and it seems they left a lot more room for topics to cover with you. You’re getting famous! Won’t it be great if the Lord lets you get rich off frugal living?


  11. Tutta la Storia says:

    Fantastic, Jen! I so appreciate your blog, and now others will be exposed to it and come to love it as much as I do. GREAT WORK!


  12. This was great! I enjoyed being able to watch it from my computer. You have a beautiful family.


  13. Michelle@Fromhousetohome says:

    Oh that stinks they didn’t mention the blog! Hopefully people will still find you! Okay, off to watch now….


  14. Thanks for linking the tv segment.
    I enjoyed watching it.
    Yay for you and your family!


  15. You did a great job! It is really fun to see how many people are starting to realize how important both family and debt truly are in their lives. Thanks!


  16. That was AWESOME!!! I feel like I’ve known you forever. You have the neatest midwestern accent. I lived in the Twin Cities for 5 years, and miss hearing that accent.

    You’re gorgeous, talented, and oh, so inspiring. I know there are a WHOLE lot of us who are particularly grateful for you!!! What a tremendous blessing you are.


  17. Good job Jen!!! Very positive piece. We to strive to stay debt free.

    Lisa Q


  18. Michelle says:

    thanks for sharing the link. we had to be at church early last night. Great job!! I’ll be seeing you at the conference in May…gonna sign up for your workshop too.


  19. Stacey @ The Blessed Nest says:

    That is so great! You were awesome!! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad that you posted the link, I was wondering how we all could see it! I can only imagine the blessings coming your way!!! Yay God!


  20. PamperingBeki says:

    You did such a great job!!


  21. That is awesome, and you are totally an inspiration-you exude joy at what you do. And just a side note-I’ve been following your advice and saved over $75 last night when I did my grocery shopping! Thank you so much! (and it’s really about so much more than being a housewife, it’s managing what God has given us, doing well with what we have-thanks for encouraging lots of mom to step up and do so!)


  22. Shannon says:

    Jen, that was so great!!! I hope you get to do more segments!!


  23. Kimberly Eddy says:

    Jen, you are a natural on the camera. I did a link to your post on my blog too! Good job!


  24. That was reeeeeally good, Jen. Two things stuck out to me. As a homeschooler, I appreciated your saying you don’t wake up everyday thinking, “Yea! I get to school my kids today.” Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart πŸ™‚ Also, I have recently started couponing and sales ad matching. It takes me about an hour. I’ve not reached your level of savings yet, but each week it gets a little better and little better! Thanks for the encouragement πŸ™‚


  25. Great segment!!


  26. sunshine says:

    Really great job! Congratulations!
    Too bad they didn’t put the name of your Blog on but perhaps if they ask you to do it again you can have it done then! πŸ™‚


  27. Hi,
    I came across your blog from Beth’s at “Just Me”..so glad I did! Awesome. You have wonderful ideas for saving. Thank you for sharing.


  28. How Fun!! Good Job!!



  29. Jessica says:

    You were so good in the segment! God bless you and your wonderful family! You are doing THE TOUGHEST (and most rewarding) JOB IN THE WORLD and and excelling at it!


  30. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for sharing Jen! It was a great segment πŸ™‚


  31. Carolyn says:

    I loved it! I recently found your blog and am so happy you put the work in to maintain it. I am working on living a more frugal life as a homemaker and mother of two little girls. Thanks for the advice and good example.


  32. I finally got around to watching this Jen and it was fantastic! (As I knew it would be.) You did such a marvelous job of representing frugality, homeschooling and home managing.

    I can’t wait to see your next segment!


  33. One Mom, Five Kids says:

    You totally ROCK!


  34. The Happy Housewife says:

    Finally getting to watch your segment! Great job. You really made some good points about families, frugal living, etc… and you looked great! Your kids are beautiful too, what a wonderful example to put on television!


  35. Jessica Morris says:

    WHERE did you get that tree from that is on your table?!?! (The one with the Easter ornaments!!) I have been looking EVERYWHERE for one just like that for some cute little ornaments I picked up at a yard sale a month or so ago, but can’t seem to find a tree like that.
    It is SO cute!!


  36. Tara aka "Mama Koala" says:

    You did a great job! From a mom who works full time outside the home–I admire everything you do! And you seem to keep such a great attitude about it all…


  37. Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam says:

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