June 18, 2024

Creative Party Ideas: DIY Coffee Bar


(explanation of the DIY coffee bar below)

I am quite sure that one of my love languages comes in a hot, brown liquid form.

So when my niece had an amazingly creative party idea, and offered not only a coffee bar, but a Create Your Own Blend coffee bar, at her wedding reception, I think I could have hung out there all night long.

Often, it’s just the little extra things that make guests amazingly happy, and we forget that creative party ideas don’t have to cost a lot.
My son and nephew decided to take advantage of this coffee bar, and they definitely came into their own as they graduated to Hazelnut Lattes, but my poor, sweet mother….
was desperately trying to figure out the “Starbucks” type lingo.

Do you remember the first time you ever tried to order a fancy coffee? Come on, think back…it really did seem like a foreign language, didn’t it?

So when my mom took her first sip, made a grimace, and then whispered, “Why doesn’t mine taste like yours?” it was awfully cute.
The gentleman barista could tell we were in deep contemplation, and fixed it up just right. Nothing that a shot of hazelnut and whip cream couldn’t fix.
All was good in coffee world again. πŸ™‚
The “Create your own blend” coffee table offers a unique party twist for any occassion.

At the end of the tables were large canisters of instant decaf and/or regular granulated coffee.

The guests were able to choose a bag, fill it with the black coffee, and then picky their choice of powdered flavorings. The powdered flavors were varying coffee creamer flavors.

DIY Coffee Bar with party favor bags to make your own unique blend.

Every guest left with their own perfect blend of coffee to enjoy days later.
I chose cookies and cream (at the request of our children), and can’t wait to enjoy it in my special teacup. πŸ™‚

 Creative Party Ideas: Coffee Bar

As I sip my morning coffee, I will spend time praying for the newlyweds and all the beautiful, yet challenging, transitions that come with those first months of marriage.

Again another fabulously unique, yet frugal way to make any type of party extra special.
Try a coffee bar and coffee blend party favors…I know they will be a huge hit!


Make Your Own Coffee Bar Great for parties and weddings


  1. Christi @ A Southern Life says:

    What a clever idea. Hope the newlyweds are very, very happy!



  2. Phoebe @ Cents to Get Debt Free says:

    Living in a rural area, the nearest Starbucks is an hour and half away. I tried my first one just a month ago! The lingo is quite strange, and I have yet to get it down. I ordered one this weekend while on vacation (A Grande Caramel Macchiatto)–my daughter replied–a Car Bell Wacky Auto?? What? πŸ™‚ Gotta Love 'em.

    What a cute idea for a wedding favor!


  3. Nice ideas! The pictures look good.


  4. Amanda @ Serenity Now says:

    What a neat idea! I don't know what I'd do without my Starbucks grande, non-fat, light whip mochas. πŸ™‚

    My "unique" addition to this week's Tasty Tuesday involves how I almost killed myself canning last week. Really.


  5. The Summer Kitchen Girls says:

    How fun is that! Coffee is everywhere… why not at a wedding? We'll have to keep that idea in mind for a future shin-dig.
    Karla & Karrie


  6. Kate @ Stolen Moments says:

    Hey, we have the same love language…although I think I already knew that. πŸ™‚

    I love the coffee bar and the creating your own coffee blend favor. What a unique idea. And I love how the tags on the bags have the bride and groom's names, followed by "The Perfect Blend." That is just awesome! Makes me want to get married all over again just so I could steal that idea.


  7. Hi, my name is Lori and I came across your blog while I was browsing. I've really enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to following along.

    I absolutely love the idea of a coffee bar. I would have never thought of it.


  8. Libby Murphy says:

    I love it. I think it's a fabulous and fun mixer.
    Happy Twirls


  9. What a wonderful idea! So very classy too! Love it!


  10. What a great idea!

    Nothing says love to me like being woken up with a cup of French Vanilla Coffee!


  11. Tara @ Feels like home says:

    What a wonderful idea! We had a candy buffet at our reception, and we invited guests to take home a bag of assorted candy. It was a big hit, too.

    I love the idea of a coffee bar, though. Or tea. How nice!


  12. I love this idea and your photos were wonderful~
    All Things Heart and Home


  13. Smelling Coffee says:

    What a great idea for a reception!!! I do a coffee-bar at home for parties and use ice cream condiments as mix-ins for the coffee… caramel, hot fudge, whipped cream, crushed peppermint, crushed cinnamon discs, and whatever else I might put on an amazing ice cream creation. It's a lot of fun, and pretty inexpensive, too.

    Have a great day… Jennifer


  14. Hoosier Homemade says:

    What a cool idea! I am so stealing that for my next get together.
    The centerpiece with the candles is really neat too!
    Thanks for hosting!


  15. This is such a neat idea. You could use this for any gathering or party! I like it!


  16. southerninspiration says:

    Oh, I love that idea, too…how clever. And the perfect blend….priceless!!
    Thanks for sharing!



  17. Meal Planning with Connie says:

    I love coffee and all these great ideas!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Many blessings!


  18. What a fun idea! I'll definitely be using this one myself!


  19. Julie@comehaveapeace says:

    I love the way this is displayed. And I think I love your love language, too. πŸ™‚


  20. Amy Green (Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free) says:

    What a unique idea! That would have been a hit at our wedding. This is my first time participating in your blog carnival – I found you through another blog – The Newlyweds. I love your site – and, wow, what a beautiful family!


  21. LOVE the coffee bar idea. If only I was a coffee drinker! haha.


  22. jillreynolds says:

    What a great idea! We do a cookie party at Christmas for our kids and their friends. This would be a wonderful addition for the adults. I love the favor idea!!! I have passed along links to a friend who is planning a wedding. So creative!


  23. Can't wait to avoid chores and look at recipes! Thanks for hooking us up, Jen.


  24. New Every Morning says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea! Do you know where they found (or how they made) the flavored powders? The bags were adorable too!

    Oh, BTW, I finally did the coupon thing this week, thanks to your coaching, and saved $59.60 in coupons! I'm hooked, girl!


  25. writing4612 says:

    What a unique idea!


  26. Wow… what a fun idea! I had never seen anything like this, I'm sure it was a huge hit!! We don't live near a Starbucks… so I don't know the lingo either. πŸ˜‰


  27. Very fun! Best wishes to the newlyweds!


  28. Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates says:

    That is such a fabulous idea – I love it! How fun!!


  29. Bugs and Sunshine says:

    So cute. Last night some friends and I were talking about ways to make coffee fun at home.

    Put a package of hot chocolate in a coffee mug and fill with coffee and a bit of cream/milk. Stir and top with whipped cream. HELLO!


  30. Hillary @ The Other Mama says:

    Love it!! I think that ranks right up there with a mashed potato bar I experienced at a wedding recently. And I say experienced meaning I was ALL UP IN it.


  31. do it yourselfer says:

    OMGosh! From a caffeine junkie, I would've been in heaven! Sounds absolutely divine!


  32. An Accomplished Woman says:

    The coffee bar is a fabulous idea. I think it would be awesome with a brunch, which I am thinking about giving.

    Always great ideas



  33. Ok Jen, this one tops all! The coffee bar is my self-proclaimed role & I am loving these ideas. So much so, that I thought I'd pass along one of my lil' secrects to add to your next event. This one comes courtesy of my boys and I know you'll love it! For an inexspensive variation try using the choco dipped Pokeys (found in the Asian section of your grocery store) for guest to stir their coffee. Is that not perfect?


  34. Susie from Bienvenue says:

    Now that's one neat idea! I have never had a starbucks…crazy…I know!


  35. Money Funk says:

    I TOTALLY love the Coffee Bar idea! What a great, great idea!


  36. I just loved the comment about your mom… she sounds so precious! And I also LOVED the idea of designing your own blend and the personalized bags… TOO cute!!! It sounds like it was a beautiful wedding.


  37. This post is great!! Love it so much that I tweeted it: http://twitter.com/SeasideTales/status/3474542709

    Have a blessed day!!


  38. Wow!!!!!coffee looking gorgeous…
    what a great idea..The pictures look good….

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  39. so fun, Jen! This is a really cool idea! I've never seen this one about the coffee to take home. Neat. Did you see our coffee party for my sister-in-law? http://sundrenchedmoments.blogspot.com/2009/08/happy-birthday-mandy.html



  40. p.s. your mom is really cute! Kelly


  41. What kind of instant coffee would suggest and do you know what kind of powdered flavors were used (flavored powdered creamers, etc)? Where were they bought?

    I am planning this for my wedding and have never had instant coffee. I’ve been researching brands and have a few options to try.

    I’d love any suggestions as I want this to be not just good, but AWESOME!




  1. […] Images Credit: Cupcake bar via A Beautiful Mess , Pizza bar via Kimberly Huber on Pinterest, Fruit pizza bar via Life Sweet Life, Coffee bar via Beauty and Bedlam. […]

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