June 18, 2024

Our Son’s Surprise Landscaping Present to Me


My first spring blooms - back yard landscaping ideas

A few weeks ago, I shared about some of our landscaping challenges and asked for your input on favorite flowers etc. Thank you so much. I have taken note and continue my list because there’s just nothing that brings such simple joy than fresh flowers. I could just gaze at my first spring tulip blooms for hours. Aren’t they gorgeous?

My goal is to have this completely non landscaped area finished by the end of the summer, but one thing I know about NC heat is that if I don’t jump on it now, I will have to wait. I’ve realized I am the most indecisive person when it comes to home decisions and my husband has given me the reigns. (Not sure that is a good idea since I ponder MUCH too long.)

This wrap around porch that took 17 years to build is a blessing. We use it often and it’s already worth the investment, so I can’t wait to make it bloom even more.Our 18 year old son graduated early from high school. Since he’s been done since January, he heard me brainstorm what I wanted to do with the back shaded area. As I mentioned in my last landscape post, my plan was to kill off all the weeds, plant hostas and other shade loving flower varieties, edge around the two large trees and create a quaint sitting area.

For my birthday, he decided to surprise me with some other plans.Unbelievable plans!! Plans that make this momma heart sigh!

The process of making a swinging bed

I can’t wait to tell you the story when it’s all completed because it’s just one of those momma moments.

You know the kind? In the midst of the no good, horrible, hard mothering days, those gratitude moments when God just shows up and gives you a glimpse that all the little snippets you are instilling through the years start paying off.

Those moments.

Can you even believe this?

It’s the start of a beautiful swinging bed that will be suspended between our two large trees. He spent some late nights in my brother’s workshop (next door on the homestead) and I had no idea that he was tackling this for my birthday.

There is still a lot of work to do, but we have already gone in and used our Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer (Make sure you print the coupon from their FB page.)

Sand volley ball court before landscaping

It seemed like we went from winter to summer automatically this year and the weeds did the same. One week, they were non existent and somehow overnight, they took over.

I admit, as part of his surprise birthday present to me, I negotiated his help with the landscaping and weed control. I believe it went something like, “Please, honey!! I can NOT do this all by myself.” (There may also be some money exchanging hands based on effort, which I am very willing to share. :))

He has already tackled the long area behind the volley ball court (See above and below).

Back yard sand volley ball court

That was a LOT of work to take down all that grass because mixed in there were lots of thistles and wild blackberry bushes. This is an area we are starting over with, so using Spectracide is critical or else it will all just grow back in weeks. I also have been keeping a bottle of their Wasp, Hornet and Yellow Jacket magic. I’ve used it for years. It’s definitely part of country living that I do NOT enjoy, but if I attack the nests this time of year, we typically don’t have much of a problem later on.

Our second son leaves for college the first week of June (sniff, sniff), so the count down is on to have this area finished by then. He has great plans for this final project and he’s paid (out of his minimum wage job) for every little thing himself. He’s still saving up for stain and all the decorative pillows to make the bed extra special, but I know he had no clue just how much those would be, poor guy.

Again, I can’t wait to show you the final “after.” What a joy to have a son who has gone above and beyond for his momma.

I can’t wait to hear what fun is happening in your back yard.

Whether you’ve started your spring yard work or still need inspiration, get to the Spectracide Facebook page for more tips and savings!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Spectracide. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. Are you on a well? Aren’t you concerned about heavy-duty weed killer leaching down into the ground water? I use straight white vinegar to kill weeds. Works great, no chemicals!


    Jen Reply:

    The area that I am spraying is very far away from the well area, so I am not concerned. We have poison ivy issues, so unfortunately, no organic alternative is going to take care of those horrible vines. It calls for tough measures, but I sure do love vinegar for so many other uses.


  2. nice job kid..!


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