June 1, 2024

Healthy Pumpkin Coffee Cake (using homemade Bisquick)


Quick Pumpkin Coffee Cake using homemade Bisquick

Someone has to stop me!!

I am besides myself with trying new recipes using my Homemade Bisquick Mix  and I nearly ate this whole Pumpkin Coffee Cake by myself.  Fortunately, I’m focusing on creating treats that are low fat and healthy, so I guess I can excuse it for now.  

Delicious Pumpkin Coffee Cake that whips up in minutes using homemade bisquick

It’s so wonderful to have quick and healthy options available in minutes. Making the homemade bisquick without any shortening has been such a time saver in the kitchen.

I’ve made this Pumpkin Coffee Cake a few times and the last time I whipped it up, a wonderful mistake occurred. I was out of eggs, but had already mixed all the ingredients except for the eggs. In the past, I’ve substituted both applesauce and bananas for eggs, so I decided to give some extra pumpkin (1/3 cup) a try and it was amazing. 

A bit more dense and moist than it typically is, but a great alternative if you are in a pinch or someone has egg allergies.
Easy Pumpkin Coffee cake using a quick homemade baking mix. Love making this in bulk.

Since this is really healthy, especially if you leave the extra crumb topping off, it’s a wonderful breakfast on the go. The slice in the picture above was sent with my son on his way to school. (I won’t ask how well he drove and ate at the same time.)

Now remember, this is not your over the top rich coffee cake. For that, just add much more butter, oil and sugar. 🙂 If you are looking for a true, moist and heavenly pumpkin dessert, give my Homemade Pumpkin Cake a try. It’s unbelievable, but I’d be in trouble if I ate nearly all of that. 🙂

My Easy Pumpkin Bar Recipe, with cream cheese frosting,  is another favorite and I give options for a lighter recipe with those.

In my Homemade Bisquick post I mentioned making up your own personal “box mixes.” It’s very easy to make them up in bulk as seen in my picture below.


Homemade Pumpkin Coffee Cake - prep the dry ingredients in bulk for a quick and easy treat any time of day.



  1. I can’t wait to try these. Love this concept!


    Jen Reply:

    Thanks Elaine – it’s been so fun trying out different recipes using this quick mix. Hope you like it.


  2. Ok that just looks like heaven! I love fall… getting to add pumpkins to all my favorite recipes. This looks great!


    Jen Reply:

    I know, me too. I love the crisp fall air and all things apple and pumpkin recipes. 🙂


  3. Oh, I enjoy all things pumpkin. Fall is my favorite season with all the pumpkin and apple recipes. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


    Jen Reply:

    I am right there with you. 🙂


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