June 1, 2024

Yummy Banana Bar Recipe


Our family tends to have an overabundance of ripe bananas at all time, so there’s never a week that goes by when easy banana recipes aren’t being baked, discovered, rediscovered or shared.

This yummy banana bar recipe is one I’ve had for decades, and is a fool proof way to use up those ripe bananas. It’s definitely more of a cake, than bread. Enjoy the addition of my delicious Cinnabon like cream cheese frosting and they are melt in your mouth good. I love recipes that are so easy the kids can make them, but friends would never believe it when you shared that little detail.

Since I was serving this for breakfast, I omitted the frosting when these pictures were taken, but I typically always make them in a jelly roll pan and then frost.

(P.S. No, these are not fat free, nor sugar free, but freely divine. Our youngest daughter declares I am the best baker ever when I make this. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you desire a healthier version, the sugar can be reduced and some of the butter subbed with apple sauce.)


  1. Looks delicious! I LOVE banana bread! If only my husband shared the feeling. lol


  2. We love banana bread! The only problem is that everyone here also loves bananas and we rarely have any that are ripened…before everyone has eaten them! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Maybe I’ll have to hide some…hmmmm…sounds like a plan. Gotta try this recipe! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Building Home with Him,

    Mary Joy


  3. they look delish!


  4. Now I know what next to do with my older bananas! This looks wonderful!


  5. Do you have a recipe for the frosting? I didn’t see quantities. They sound great!


  6. Never mind. I just saw the link. :o)


  7. These bars look great and easy…just wondering …I received a mini muffin pan recently …could I make mini muffins with this recipe and if how long do you think I should bake them? 15 minutes?



    Jen Reply:

    I definitely think they would work in the mini muffin pan. Not quite sure the time, you’d just have to watch the first batch and go from there. They tend to cook up quite fast. I am guessing about 15 minutes, but set the timer for ten and just check on how far along they are.


  8. I love the idea of a bar instead of a loaf. I’m making these this week, the bananas are already getting past the ideal eating stage.


  9. Hi Jen – I loved this recipe ‘as is’ the first time I made it, but needed to make some adjustments for our family’s current health goals. I made a slightly healthier version of your yummy Banana Bars this morning and they were a hit! I used 1/2 cup less sugar, subbed 1/4 cup of the butter for apple sauce, and used mostly whole wheat flour. I also subbed low fat cream cheese and made only 1/2 a batch of icing (which was plenty) since I was trying to make a semi-healthy treat! We’re trying! They were light, moist, sweet and popular!
    Thanks for the recipe! My 95 year old neighbor was getting tired of banana muffins and bread too!


    Jen Reply:

    I am SO glad to hear this Heather. When I first posted about them on my facebook fan page, I mentioned making a healthier version, so I thrilled that you took on the challenge. the way I have it pasted is definitely a “treat.” Now you can actually enjoy it more like a healthy treat (especially if we leave off the frosting, but then what fun is that..ha). Thanks for sharing.


  10. I made these yesterday and they are delicious! My 2 1/2 yr. old loves them. Thank you for sharing the recipe!


  11. Don’t forget fat free banana ice cream. Only takes frozen bananas.


  12. You are most welcome Jen – and you promise not to blame me if you can’t keep out of them and put on a pound or two, right? So yummy!


  13. Great recipe! We replaced 1/2 of the flour for whole wheat white flour, 1 cup sugar with 3/4 cup honey, and 1/2 the cream cheese with a mashed banana. Turned out fabulous! My one year old got most of it in his mouth, my 4 y/o requested it for his birthday cake and my husband, who usually doesn’t care for cake, told me I HAVE to make this again! Thank you!


    Jen Reply:

    So glad it turned out so well with your substitutions. I am glad to know that honey was a good alternative because the original recipe does have a ton of sugar. ๐Ÿ™‚


  14. I’ve only recently began to experiment with baking. This was my best turnout so far… I only used 1 cup of brown sugar though. Thanks for sharing such an easy and great recipe!


    Jen Reply:

    YAY!! It’s an old family favorite for sure!! You will definitely find that my recipes are all super easy and taste tested by our five kids. ๐Ÿ™‚


  15. Could I use a 9×13 pan instead of a jelly pan? If so, same what would you guess the cooking time would be? Thanks!


    Jen Reply:

    Yes, you definitely could. They would just be thicker so maybe add on five minutes, but just use a knife to stick it in and check. It will clean when it comes out and you know it’s done.


  16. Why do they taste like tea, did I do something wrong?


    Jen Reply:

    Tea? Hmmm….I have no idea. There is nothing in the ingredients list that would lend to that. So sorry I can’t help.


  17. I made them tonight per the recipe. My family liked them ….a little on the sweet side. I would love to cut some sugar without losing the quality and texture….suggestions?


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