June 15, 2024

Simple Blueberry Banana Muffin Recipe


I am not a morning person. Never have been, never will. I’ve tried everything to embrace those dark, still moments with joy, like so many of my other friends who think early hours are heaven on earth, but the only thing I get excited about in the morning is stumbling down the stairs for a cup of coffee.

So yes, mornings have been a bit rough around our home lately.

Mornings + good, early morning breakfast = really rough. Tough. Challenging. The list goes on.

While I know the value of nutritional breakfast for my guys on the go, I have to be proactive and make something before they are scrambling for the door at 7:30, and this delicious Blueberry Banana Muffin recipe is the perfect answer.

While these end up being delicious Blueberry Muffin “cakes” with the addition of the cinnamon sugar topping,  feel free to use my healthy option of the Banana Oatmeal Muffin recipe . It’s a perfect choice if you want to omit the sugar. Just add some blueberries and you have a healthier version of this recipe.

You’ll also note that these muffins are a bit darker, it’s because I used 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 white for a little change. It’s a great recipe to double, so you can freeze extras for later.

What’s your favorite breakfast on the go recipe? 

I definitely need to add some more to my repertoire.


  1. I’ll put a little coarse sugar on top of my muffins before I bake them – gives a sweet, crunchy top that feels a little “fancy.”

    I’ll cut back a tiny bit on the sugar in the recipe when I do that, just to keep them “healthy!” 🙂

    We love blueberry muffins and I have some bananas that are begging to be used. Thanks for the recipe – I think we’ll make them tonight!


    Jen Reply:

    oh yes, sugar on top…yum!!! 🙂 Let me know how they turn out. I’ve tweaked them so often, sometimes I have to go back to the original recipe just to make sure.


  2. Those look delicious and so healthy ~ blueberries are one of my favorites! I hope to try this recipe soon ~ homemade is always better. It is great that these freeze well, too!
    Smiles, Bebe 🙂


    Jen Reply:

    I know. I use frozen blueberries during the winter but can’t wait for fresh blueberries. YUM!!


  3. Made these and they were a huge hit!! My 2-year-old can’t get enough of them, and his friends gobble them up too! Great healthy choice for toddlers.
    Couple of changes: I used 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 cup white flour, and 1/3 cup oats. Next time I will use more wheat flour and oats. Also used brown sugar and honey instead of white sugar.


    Jen Reply:

    SO glad to hear that!! I love hearing your change ups. Great healthy options. I bet the extra oats would be yummy. 🙂



  1. […] Blueberry Banana Muffins | Beauty and Bedlam […]

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