June 15, 2024

Bulk Baking – marvelous muffins


Are you getting tired of the bulk baking thing?
Have I talked you into giving it a try yet?
What are you waiting for?
Well, since my Blissdom pics arent’ up yet (they are now with some thrifty designer outfits), you’ll have to wait a bit longer.
In continuation of my bulk baking day (click here for the how, why, and when if you’re new to all this), I bring you marvelously, moist muffins.

My kids love muffins for breakfasts and snacks, but declared these could have been more marvelous if I had just stuck to all white flour.
One of my goals for our family is to get more nutrients into our baked goods through whole grains, so these muffins were mixed with half white flour and half freshly milled wheat flour.
I didn’t use a special recipe; I just substituted half wheat flour for the white.
Muffins are filling, nutritious, and freeze well.

On many mornings, the kids want to grab something on the run.
I love to be able to offer them a variety of thing, outside of the cereal/pop tart realm.
Another option that I have done is to keep some already mixed muffin mix in my fridge.
There are a variety of recipes that will keep well in an airtight container. Then you can just scoop out the muffin mix (just like the cookie dough) and bake on command.
Again, we love the toaster oven for these very things.

I choose apple muffins because I had a half bushel that was calling my name.
I tripled the recipe and made approximately 50 muffins.
Peeling apples may seem overwhelming, but I have two apple peeler/corer/ slicers, and they are worth the investment if you desire applesauce, apple pie or any apple delights be added to your repertoire..
I actually found a brand new Pamper Chef one at my local thrift store…they didn’t know what a jewel they were giving away.
My kids love to peel these for me, and I take them up on the offer
(or make them, if they don’t). πŸ™‚

Now, I could so easily blame this bedlam moment on any one of the kids, and you would be non the wiser, but…..
it was me.
And, I am pretty sure that when the recipe called for me to creme the butters, this is not what they meant.

I hope you are getting inspired to plan a bulk baking day.
Wait…it doesn’t have to be a day,
just a few hours would accomplish multitudes.

While you’re baking, get some rice started, soak some black beans, ground up some beef, and you won’t believe all the things that will be done for the week.
And yes, I freeze my rice and beans into baggies as well. More on that later…..

More hot breakfasts here


  1. Susie from Bienvenue says:

    Hope yall didnt have too much fun without me! Heather cmae down and hung out in our room. We didnt get to sleep till after 1AM…yikes! Im feeling it now. It’s good to be back home with the family. I hope your daughter was feeling better and able to attend the dance.
    I just want to tell you how wonderful it was to spend time with you this weekend. I cant wait till next year. I only wish I had more pictures… Take care~


  2. Muffins are so easy and yummy! These look wonderful; we love apple anything! I must do some bulk baking soon, you inspire me.

    Lisa Q


  3. HeathahLee says:

    My one regret (other than not planning on attending the conference in the first place – although Kat and I NEEDED a girls’ weekend!) was not getting to spend more time with each of my favorite bloggers. I was so happy to get to spend some time with Susie, and I wish I had more days to get to know you better…I would love to have “picked your brain” about Worship stuff!

    Oh, and those muffins? I can almost smell them through my monitor! : )


  4. I love to make muffins. I’ll have to remember all of your tips!


  5. Mrs. Trixi says:

    OOOOHhhh, those look so yummy. I need so many lessons from you.


  6. Sandy Toes says:

    Wow..you are inspiring!!! My kids love muffins too…it’s 5:15am and all this baking is making me hungry!
    How was Blissdom?
    -sandy toe


  7. This sounds like a plan I can handle & can't wait to hear what to do with the rice & beans.
    Hope you had a good trip – looking forward to hearing all about it.


  8. Katie @ 3 Blondes and a Redhead says:

    Really? The butter wrappers made it into the mixing bowl? Girl, you need a nap.

    I’m the queen of bulk baking, so I love this post. Muffins are so quick and easy to grab and much healthier than some of the other “convenience” foods. Who needs a $3 Starbuck’s muffin when you can bake 50 yourself at home???


  9. The Happy Housewife says:

    I do bulk baking as well. I need to build up my muffin stash as they are a great quick breakfast for the kids. It was great meet you are blissdom last weekend!


  10. Hi, Jen! I make a dutch apple cheese muffin with shredded cheese in the batter (add it when you add the butter). It’s 8 oz of cheese per dozen muffins, with 1 TBS (yes, a full tablespoon) of baking powder to compensate for the added heft. They are amazing, and add some protein.

    I make them so often I asked for an apple peeler/corer/slicer for Christmas this year. πŸ™‚



  11. Since you mill your own wheat, I thought I would suggest you mill the ezekial mix to make into muffins, brownies or whatever. This will also give you a complete protein and they taste totally amazing and are so moist. (not wheaty tasting and so much better for you than white flour)My children and hubby love them with bananas or blueberries.


  12. We love muffins. I try to make them at least once a week. Thanks.


  13. Do you use white wheat or red wheat? The first thing I’d suggest is to use white wheat, and specifically soft white wheat. If you use the soft white wheat, you could probably use all whole wheat and have it taste wonderful. These sound great, by the way, thank you for sharing the recipe.


  14. Just another SAHM says:

    They look wonderful & I can only ditto you on the apple peeler! My 5 y/o thinks it is the neatest thing & I'm happy to let her turn the handle a few times when we're making applesauce & applebutter. πŸ˜‰


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