May 17, 2024

Cider-Baked Turkey Breast – Whole Baked Turkey


Does making a turkey seem daunting? This is the PERFECT recipe for you. SO easy yet perfect to use with turkey breast or whole turkey.

For years, I have recommended my easy recipe for Cider Baked Turkey Breast, but had never converted the recipe to a whole turkey. Being stuck with two eighteen pound turkeys that did not get cooked for Thanksgiving, I realized that today was the day to give it a try.

The results for the whole baked turkey were the same delicious old time harvest flavor that I have received with just a turkey breast.

I am giving you the directions that I have used for turkey breast. I improvised for the whole baked turkey with the same ingredients.

This is the easiest turkey recipe EVER. If you’ve never cooked a turkey or are a master in the kitchen, it’s a tried and true recipe meant for sheer taste. Additional info. I am a busy mom who has never basted the turkey the entire time. In a perfect world, this would be ideal. I have intentions of basting it frequently, but always forget. It’s still tasty. I have also substituted some orange juice when I ran out of apple juice for a wonderful flavor as well.
The Easiest Turkey recipe you will find that delivers such great flavors.

(My bedlam moment came when I desired lots of gravy. Well, before I knew it, I heard splattering in the oven…oops, it was overflowing… everywhere. Now that was a mess to clean. :))

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