June 14, 2024

Generational Mothering


Looking around the table, I study the three generations represented.

Amidst the chuckles, private jokes and deeper conversations, the profound generational legacy permeates not just the shared memories, but life choices, marriages, and even character development.

Mothering with a kingdom purpose in mind spans generations.

I’ve had a lot of  “Just One Minute, Honey,” moments, and the more I mother, the less I know, yet in the midst of that, I choose to be a visionary for our children.  An advocate for their heart. To dream big dreams with them. To cast a vision for them and enlarge their nets beyond that next cell phone interaction. Oh, how I desire that they see the world on a global level with a servant’s heart.

Generational mothering calls us to step back from our oatmeal in the hair kind of day reality and grasp that mothering with a kingdom purpose in mind affects the generations to come. 

I’ve been exhausted in some of my mothering moments lately.  The ins and outs of every day life have equaled long days,  but in the midst of those challenges,  I pause, set my eyes on the generational legacy our family hopes to create and I’m energized.

The reality is sobering and immensely humbling.

With a vision of generational mothering, I know that I am not just mothering that one child.  The choices I make impact my children’s children and their childrens’ children.

My choices change a family tree.

Being drawn to that strong sense of generational parenting early on in my mothering, gave me such a sense of purpose.

It’s allowed me to navigate the waters with more passion, even on those days when I can barely muster heating up a can of soup and yelling  from the other room to stop “yelling” at each other. (Catch the irony?) Those soup moments occur more than my “I am changing the world as a mom” episodes, but refocusing on the impact that even those simple soup moments have defines my purpose.

Do you see it? Can you catch the vision? Can you fully grasp that the choices you make now as a mom doesn’t just end with your child?

We are mothering for future generations.

We are mothering the next  Dream weavers, legacy leavers, goal setters, and most importantly, world changers.

My choices now impact my childrens’ children and I don’t take that lightly.

Do you?

Remember, the legacy you leave begins today.

World Changers Boys Will Be Boys, but... (Peru: Day 3)

I shared this picture first when I was in Peru on my Compassion blogger’s trip – boys will be boys.

31 Days with a Mentor Mom @beautyandbedlam It All Flew Out the Window

Are you following along with my Mentor Mom series? You can find them here.

Join Jen for 5 days of how to overcome your hospitality woes and just open the door.

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