June 1, 2024

Homestead Hospitality…only at my ‘haven’

I sincerely believe in the spirit of a “Welcome Home” mentality.
I want every single one of you to feel as if you could “make yourself at home” on our home stead, and come away refreshed and renewed from your stay.
I desire our home to be a hiatus…a place where real life happens. Yet in the midst of that real life, an oasis of safety and security dwells.

With that being proclaimed from every ounce of my sincere soul, I want you to take notice of my side bar. A haven of hospitality is one of the things I passionately pursuit.
But come on….this is ridiculous…even I have some boundaries!

No lie…no photoshop…no exaggeration…
just MY LIFE of balancing beauty and bedlam.
This is what I woke up to this morning.

Mocha, the Menace, taking advantage of my homestead hospitality…
much to my chagrin.
“Boys, Mocha got loose again, go take care of her this instant.”

“Awww, but mom…..look how cute Mocha looks all cuddled up on our coach swing.”


What in the world ever happened to first time obedience by my excellent listeners?

Make yourself at home for the night, Mocha, and enjoy this peaceful place of refuge, because once ‘Morning has broken,’ you are so back in the woods…eating our weeds like a good goat ought to be doing.

(All I can say is that she is so lucky that I just took off the slip cover I “made” – ok, so maybe it was fabric that I just draped across to look cute, but still…..)

Yes, just another day of balancing beauty and bedlam – don’t you want to join me? There’s room for one or two more on this swing.


  1. Elizabeth says:

    Hahaha, awww! I couldn’t have kicked him off either. 🙂


  2. Kim @ My Journey says:

    Okay if this is not the cutest thing I've ever seen! Mocha is adorable & bc I have my sick kiddos at home today ~ I had to share with them. We love Mocha!!! Thanks for the smiles today!!!


  3. How entirely random! I suppose it would be more random if you didn’t HAVE a goat.


  4. Sandy Toes says:

    Oh my goodnes….how funny!!! You seem like such an easy going gal!
    -Sandy toes


  5. OOOOHHH SWEEET MOCHA!!!! I would gladly let that sweet little face sleep on my porch swing!!!( did he eat any of it?:) Just lookin at?your woods in the background makes me wanna cime for a visit!! 😉 L A


  6. Okay, it’s obvious that Miss Mocha doesn’t give a fig about boundaries, but she’s so CUTE not giving a fig!!! Sorry, but I’ve just gotta root for the goat!!! 😀

    I LOVE it!!! What a hoot!!!



  7. jennifersusan says:

    heehee! How cute!!!
    I sailed in through SITS and came to say, TAG!. Come see what I’ve tagged you with at my blog. 🙂


  8. Oh that’s hilarious!! He looks so sweet. I say leave him there as long as he doesn’t start to eat it!!


  9. Imperfect says:

    So cute and too funny. I’m glad you took pictures!


  10. Ruby Red Slippers says:

    That is just too darn cute! How could you kick that thing off?!


  11. Musings of a Homeschooling Mom says:

    Mocha is so cute! I love the pictures!


  12. Mrs. Trixi says:

    I want you to know that I can’t wait to show my family this picture. Too funny. We may have an occassional cat on the hammock but a goat. If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t believe it!!


  13. That is just absolutely the most darling picture! I am so glad I ventured over here from Christy’s blog!
    I wouldn’t have been able to kick him off either!


  14. Hahahahahaha….OMGosh that is just too cute and FUNNY! I think it is Mocha’s new bed…..look how comfy!!!!! roflol


  15. So funny. I love it. First time obedience eh?? Lets have a post about that one. My kids are like the goat on the swing.


  16. hilarious and I am so sorry and bummed too. 🙁 I know what you mean about planning your life in a day! As far as the passport, after that comment, did come tickets purchased to Montreal for New Year’s! We’ve never been! We don’t know when we’ll start a family but we want to live it up travelwise until it gets harder to get out of town! Kelly


  17. Bless her/his heart, she looks so cute and comfy. Leave her there!

    Must have been a rough night in the woods.

    Wouldn’t you have liked to have seen her get on it, bet that wasn’t easy for a goat!.

    Maybe she can’t get off of it!




  18. HeathahLee says:

    That is too hilarious! I wonder if she only changed positions once during that 12 hours? Ha!


  19. new every morning says:

    Sososo funny!!!

    Isn’t life fun!


  20. nikkicrumpet says:

    AWWWW you should give the goat an extra night on the swing…just as a reward for giving you the cutest dang post I’ve seen in a long time! That picture with her laying all the way down just made my heart go mooshie!!! She looks so comfortable and happy!!!


  21. Strawberry Blonde says:

    I think Mocha is smiling for the camera. Is she mocking you or just one smart goat??

    Cracking me up!!!

    — Brandi


  22. M.L. @ The House of Whimsy says:

    Ooh How Cute!! Just like what an overgrown kitty cat would do.

    Thanks for stopping by today. A girl after my own heart! My problem is that I now have no more room to shove my things anymore. That means I have to clean the old-fashioned way…put away or throw away. Shoot. : )

    Mary Lou


  23. That is hilarious! I can’t believe she stayed there all day! It IS kind of cute. 🙂


  24. How funny and I loved how you captured the moment with how you told the story. I wouldn’t have been able to make her leave either. She is very cute! I’ve heard that goats make wonderful pets.

    Thanks for keeping it real with us!


  25. That is waaaay to precious! Thanks for sharing!!


  26. The Nester says:

    I love it when I see a picture of a goat on you blog! It’s my favorite! Makes my day a little better when I think well, at least I don’t have a goat sitting in a chair in my backyard.


  27. Hysterical!


  28. That is soo cute! Don’t goats have a ton of personality!? We used to have two and they were two of the best “pets” ever!


  29. Funny! It looks like he was waiting for you to bring him out a blankie so he could be really comfortable.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if you find him there again. He looks right at home.


  30. Jenni @ nest to keep says:

    Wow, now that is something you don’t see every day! That is so funny! 🙂 And what a hilarious picture after your prelude about wanting everyone to feel at home! You crack me up! 🙂
    So…did he REALLY stay there all day?


  31. Awwww…you have to admit, Mocha has such a sweet face! 🙂

    Oh, and the home school open house is here- come over and see, and better yet, join right in!!!



  32. Lauren and Justin says:

    awwww, thats adorable… i wouldnt be able to say no…


  33. Mocha is adorable & looks so comfy.


  34. Sarah Mae says:

    LOL! What a sight! 🙂

    You know, I’m really craving those 4 meals in 4 minutes! 😉


  35. I’m not sure I could have evicted Mocha either… that’s pretty adorable.


  36. I wouldn’t have moved Mocha either! Too cute. Our beagle/bassett took over a chair on our porch, dang dog!

    Lisa Q


  37. Hi again Jen! I am so thrilled that attempted a post at the Home School Open House, but I’m not sure where it is…I did go check out your other blog- classical education- was that one it? It’s not open to comments, though…anyway, let me know when you do have time where to find your post, and IF you do have time, and haven’t done so already, please link back to me if you could.
    Have a great time at the co-op! 🙂


  38. I love you, Jen! This is so awesome. And I’m with the kids: Mocha looked so cute on that swing. I’m glad you let her stay there. All 12 hours of it!


  39. Cindy Swanson says:

    What a beautiful blog, and what a beautiful family! I enjoyed visiting your blog for the first time. (Mocha’s adorable!) Hope you’ll stop by mine when you get a moment. 🙂


  40. That is so cute. Adorable. I would want to lay there too and cuddle on the swing. I don’t have the willpower to make my dogs stay off the furniture cause I like to cuddle with them. Are goats cuddly?


  41. danahollis says:

    Oh my goodness… I love goats!

    What a cute little set of photos. They completely made me smile from ear to ear. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing.


  42. Pennies In My Pocket says:

    ROTFL – I cannot stop laughing. So stinkin’ cute!



  43. that is the cutest thing ever!


  44. That is darling, what is it like having a goat? I thought about it and thought it might be fun someday if we live in the country. Are they high maintance? I know they like to eat a lot…


  45. Jamie @ Purposeful Pursuit says:

    So funny! What cute pictures!


  46. kari and kijsa says:

    That is too funny!! And adorably cute!!

    kari & kijsa


  47. Smelling Coffee says:

    Hi Jen~ I’ve been wanting to get over to your blog for a while now, and am so glad I did! I love the creative and the money saving ideas.

    Thanks for visiting Smelling Coffee and leaving a comment. I’ll look forward to reading more on your blog soon. 🙂


  48. Jami @ livelaughlove5 says:

    That is absolutely hysterical!!! 🙂


  49. Cecelia---Sis---Mom says:

    Okay, this is really late and I am sure you may never see this… but these pictures made my day today. I was feeling kinda down, way down actually and this did it. Mocha is a doll and she can come sit in my swing with me anytime she wants. LOL OMGOSH, I can’t wait to show my husband.


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