June 14, 2024

From My Bed & Breakfast: Peach Puff Pancake Recipe


This delicious peach puff pancake is the perfect blend of all my favorite breakfast treats.

Did you know it’s always been my dream to own a bed and breakfast?

As a teenager, I would imagine sitting on my front porch sipping coffee with my guests. Yes, sipping coffee, swapping stories of adventure, and then parting as best friends. Somehow I assumed that the incredible amount of hard laborious work involved in the day to day laundry, cleaning and running of a bed and breakfast could be put by the way side if I just smiled and served scrumptious breakfasts every morning. (I can’t even keep my own bedroom clean, what was I thinking?)

The harsh reality of this dream changed just a tad when one of my best friend’s parents actually bought and starting running a bed and breakfast in downtown Milwaukee.

OH my, some of the stories they shared…

The Perfect Peach Puff Pancake is always a crowd pleaser

Recently, I’ve spent a lot of time and energy dreaming about ways to mesh my love of hospitality, desire to run a bed and breakfast and love of our homestead into something real and I can’t wait to share more about that as it surfaces.

In some ways though, I get a touch of my dream on a regular basis, minus the money, fervent appreciation and swapping of adventures, mind you.

Don’t we all run a bed and breakfast to some extent? πŸ™‚

I cook for large groups of people on a regular basis and Puff Pancakes of all different varieties make an appearance quite regularly.

Peach Puff Pancakes make an appearance nearly every weekend.

They feed a crowd easily without having to stand over the griddle for an hour.

The very first basic Puff Pancake recipe that I started with years ago won over the crowd and I’ve experimented with them every since.While I LOVE using fresh peaches when they are in season, often I revert to canned peaches during the winter.

This Peach Puff Pancake Recipe is always a winner and as I don my apron, I close my eyes and imagine my porch filled with customers to my very own Bed and Breakfast. Then I open them, feed the kids and go wash the dishes.

(FYI:Β  it’s not a traditional pancake type consistency, so the first time you make it, don’t use the word pancake with your kids or they will expect something else. While the pancake puffs immediately, it does “settle” so don’t let that surprise you. ;))

Enjoy and please know you are welcome to my “Bed and Breakfast” any time.Β  At least we can eat this and sip coffee on my front porch.

A few of my other quick and easy “B & B” recipes are my Overnight Refrigerator Rise Cinnamon Rolls recipe,Β 

Egg and Cheese Puffs: 5 Minute Delight

The perfect breakfast and brunch dish. Not only are they delicious, but I love making extras for "breakfast on the run."

Elegant Egg Bake

You have to try it to believe it! Creamy, elegant Egg bake and it whips up in five minutes



  1. Margret says:

    This looks so delicious! One problem, the instructions mention flour, but that isn’t in the list of ingredients. I was excited by the list, as I have a good friend that must eat gluten free and I thought at first that this would be perfect! Thanks for any clarifications.
    Love your blog!


    Jen Reply:

    oh bummer – so sorry, it’s not gluten free. That was my poor editing job. Thanks for the catch.


  2. Whitney says:

    This looks great!! We have work potlucks all the time and I am a sucker for bringing in something for breakfast … I can’t wait to try to this?


  3. What size pan do you use for this recipe?


    Jen Reply:

    I always make a bit more than the recipe calls for and use a 9×13, but a 9×11 would be good. The only difference ends up being with the density. πŸ™‚ Enjoy!


  4. This looks SO yummy! I pinned it to my breakfast board and can’t wait to try it!


  5. Michelle K says:

    Will any fruit be ok? I do love peaches, but i’m just thinking about my audience πŸ™‚


    Jen Reply:

    Absolutely – we love apples in it as well. I’ve done seasonal berries too.


  6. I love the idea of using frozen peaches – how easy would that be?! Does this still taste good when cooled? I’m thinking of bringing this to a church lunch picnic, but I wonder if it loses some of its beauty when cool.


    Jen Reply:

    The “puff” goes down, but it would still look pretty. We always eat it right out of the oven, but there’s beeen a few times when there have been one or two pieces left over and I always still enjoy it. πŸ™‚ You could bring syrup and heat the syrup up in the microwave right before serving so they could have the hot syrup to put on it?? just a thought. If you are looking for a really yummy brunch dish that’s easy to take, I love this one. http://jenschmidt.life/egg-puff-recipe/


    Sarah Reply:


    Perfect – thanks!


  7. Does this have more of a crispy texture or is it more soggy?


    Jen Reply:

    I wouldn’t say it’s soggy, but definitely not crispy. It’s like a deep dish pancake texture. πŸ™‚


  8. I’ve often thought I would like to have a B & B too until I start thinking about my time restraints. I would enjoy talking to the people while sitting on my front porch swinging in my porch swing. (But I don’t have a front porch or a swing.) ; ) The recipe sounds great and I am going to give it a try. Thanks for sharing it.


    Jen Reply:

    HA – I love “I’d enjoy talking to people sitting on my front porch swinging on my swing, but I don’t have them” That was me for SO many years. I still don’t have the swing, although our son just built one in the back yard, but I finally do have our porch. It took awhile but it’s as fun as you think. πŸ™‚


  9. I’m GONNA make this but what I’d REALLY like is to come to your B&B and YOU make it for me! Deal???



  10. This looks awesome, Jen! I love dishes like this topped with a little bit of flavored creamer…yum!


    Jen Reply:

    You read my mind. Another one of my recipes I actually use the flavored creamer instead of the milk. Adds such a great change up.


  11. I might have to make this as a surprise dinner tomorrow! Looks so yummy.


    Jen Reply:

    YAY! your sweet face is showing up in my comments. No more spam for you. πŸ™‚


  12. Can you pleas confirm how much butter/marg to use.


    Jen Reply:

    Yes, 2/3 stick of butter


  13. Can you use buttermilk for part of the milk? I’m always trying to use mine up


    Jen Reply:

    I haven’t, but I am sure it’s a good substitute. May change the taste just a bit, possibly with a bit of a tang, but I’m sure it will be delicious. πŸ™‚


  14. Hi,
    Would this work in individual ramekins?


    Jen Reply:

    I would think so, but I haven’t tried it so couldn’t promise how the “puff” look would turn out. It would still be yummy, I am sure. πŸ™‚



  1. […] 20. Peach Puff Pancake Recipe: Balancing Beauty & Bedlam […]

  2. […] Peach Puff Pancake |Balancing Beauty & Bedlam […]

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