June 1, 2024

Tasty Tuesday – One Minute Delight


Homemade Oreo ice cream

Such a simple pleasure for such a teeny, tiny price…

Mint Fudge Covered Oreos – 50% off After Christmas Sale at Target
Free French Vanilla Ice Cream from Earth Fare’s weekly coupon/email.

fudge covered oreosChop Oreo, mix into soften ice cream – voila – a culinary delight is yours for a few pennies. 🙂  No more digging around in that ice cream carton hoping you’ll hit the jackpot and find a ginormous cookie chunk.  They are all yours for the taking. Yum!

oreo ice cream

And yes, that was the extent of my culinary creativity today, but it sure hit the spot. I’m serving left overs today, but January 1st marks a whole new kitchen inspiration. (I’m spending this week finding it. 😉 I can’t wait to see what inspired you this week.

TastyTuesday200pix I No Longer Cook Edition of Tasty Tuesday

Simple Rules for Tasty Tuesday Parade of Foods – If you’re joining in with a recipe link, two simple requests. As always, please link directly to your recipe post and not your blog URL, so that everyone can find the recipe months from now.

Also, please link back to my site so that everyone can join in the fun. I don’t ask much in order to participate, but many of you are not linking back, and it’s just common courtesy of blog carnivals.


  1. Your linky is not working 🙂


  2. Jen,
    That’s a great alternative to the regular cookie ice cream. Looks really good too. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


  3. Oh you evil woman! How dare you show something so incredibly easy and tasty as this!! Wow! My kids would think I’m the greatest mom in the world for this! 🙂


  4. Hey, Jen! Happy New Year to you friend. Look forward to connecting at Blissdom, hope we get to hang out more than last year.


  5. My kid’s love ice cream for an after school snack so I try to snag it when it’s on sale. Never though of mixing in yummy chunks. Thanks! I’d like to add your Tasty Tuesday button to my post, but I can’t find the code for it. Is it on here somewhere? Thanks!


    Jens Reply:

    I didn’t include a code for my button, but you may copy/paste it and then link it to my site. 🙂 Sorry for the extra step. 🙂


  6. Simple and sweet- sounds perfect!
    Have a blessed New Year!


  7. These all look really good! I’m your new follower thru google reader from http://www.aseasonforallthings.blogspot.com and http://www.eclectichomeschool4life.blogspot.co. ~ Ellen


  8. Now that is the way to get some real chunks and I love those cookies. Give me any kind of ice cream for a treat.


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