June 14, 2024

Multi tasking Mama

This past week morphed into a plethora of multi-tasking.
Are you there with me? Can you relate?
There were many moments that I was not sure how I would come up for air, and then a few moments where I just started chuckling.
This was one of them.
The irony of this situation was that nothing struck me as strange during this moment.
And then it hit me…if the UPS guy drove up right now, this may seem quite odd.


Would he recognize multi tasking at its finest?
You see, when men define their multi tasking, they sit in front of the laptop, answer their phone, and write down the message all at the same time.

When women multi task the day before Thanksgiving holiday, we start dinner, make coffee, get kids breakfast, discipline well fed kids, get hair hilited, spray paint chandelier on a whim during the hilight (debate how hilite is spelled…hilite…hilight…hi light), shoo dog away when he tries to get into wet paint, catch up with niece who is home visiting and doing the hilight, introduce niece to the blogging world and show her all of the amazing crafty ideas while hair is processing, give niece couponing and CVS tutorials, clean bathroom while kneeling to wash hair from highlight, (thus realizing that toilet and bath are both in dire need and must be scrubbed now…before the hair cut….my first huge cut in almost two years), start packing, answer “business” emails…and a few more unmentionables…
all in the course of a two hour “hair appointment.”
Do you want me to share what I did with the rest of my day – after she left?
This was all just from 10-12. πŸ™‚ 

And as for the hair cut…..she cut off four inches…….
Here I took it out of my pony tail to show you the “before.”
Yes, it had gotten quite long, but I sure do love my long pony tail.


  1. love this post, that is awesome!!!! Do you do your own hair? Amazing…


  2. Whew! You are definitely the queen of multitasking.


  3. Josh 'n Katie says:

    Yikes! That sure is a busy 2 hours!
    Hope your hair turned out and the chandelier! You must have some high-caf-coffee πŸ™‚


  4. Sandy Toes says:

    Oh my I chuckled with the hair foils and spray painting..so funny..now that is what I call multitasking and getting it ALL done!
    -sandy toes


  5. Lauren and Justin says:

    can’t wait to see the After!


  6. You are so funny!

    Can we see pictures of the “new” look?


  7. Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says:

    Oh, Jen that SO sounds like me! I’m always doing stuff like that too. Your light fixture looks so much like the one I took down from my breakfast table painted too. I have it in my blog somewhere.
    Ended up finding another yardsale fixture later that was even prettier so down it went again.

    You’re too funny!


  8. nikkicrumpet says:

    LOL….I bet the neighbors are used to this kind of view…but It would have been funny if a stranger happened along. Girl you need to SLOOOOW DOOOOOWN.


  9. You are definitely a multi-tasking DIVA!!! Those pictures are just priceless!!! ….lol


  10. Women must multitask or nothing would get done!! My oldest laughs at me all the time because of the things I do at the same time.

    Let the UPS man laugh!

    Lisa Q


  11. Vern ~ Inspired says:

    You totally crack me up!
    I laughed when I saw what you were doing…it took me a second to notice the hair and foil!

    I multi-task sometimes on purpose and sometimes because I get sidetracked!

    Hope your Thanksgiving week was especially blessed!


  12. You are one talented lady – my hair probably would have been spray painted along with that light.


  13. HeathahLee says:

    I want to see the finished products, from hair to chandelier!


  14. You GO girl! Love those photos . . . I’ll bet you handled all that multi-tasking like a pro. All that, and you look like you’re totally relaxed and having fun with that spray paint. πŸ˜‰


  15. Yeah, multi tasking at it’s best! But I bet you forgot that you also had the dishwasher going, the washing machine going and the drying drying…right?


  16. Smelling Coffee says:

    Very funny and true to us women – especially what we go through for our hair! πŸ˜‰ I hope you’re loving your new cut.


  17. It's Always Something Around Here says:

    LOL!!! Those pics are hilarious. It is crazy how we get it all done sometimes. Going in a million different directions.

    Do we get to see the hair after pics?


  18. I know how you feel… that multi-tasking is a killer. I end up so worn out sometimes just from trying to do to much at once. Does it ever end…. probably not.

    Visiting from SITS…


  19. new every morning says:

    Wait! Where is the ‘after’ picture?! We want to see the end results… of the hair and the chandelier!

    As for the multitasking, I laughed because it SO described my life!


  20. I am cracking up at your pictures here! Thats just awesome. Life is one GIANT multitask as a mom.


  21. Gayle @ thewestiecrew says:

    Hee-hee! Spoken like a true multi-tasking woman!

    Love the pictures. πŸ™‚


  22. Showing some SITS love!

    You described multi-tasking SOOO well!


  23. You crack. me. up!!!! It’s like a scene out of movie. Real people don’t do that! πŸ™‚ Great post!


  24. One Mom, Five Kids says:

    Love it! I mean, really! Who else would think about using the hair cut apron as a painting apron – at the same time! Why not right? I mean you got to protect your clothes while highlighting your hair and you don’t want any paint to get on you while spray painting.

    It ONLY makes sense to do it at the same time!


  25. Melissa Lester says:

    Oh, you are so funny! I can sure relate to the multi-tasking! And do we get to see the after on the haircut — and the chandelier?

    I thought about your blog last week as I was looking for the beauty amidst all our bedlam of Christmas decorating, Thanksgiving cooking, cleaning, etc., etc. At certain points I wasn’t sure we would make it through to order, but now we are enjoying the fruits of our labor!

    And as to the collages, I do them in Picasa, which can be downloaded free from Google. Picasa is super-easy to use, and those collages are just too much fun. I haven’t figured out how to do mosaics and tweak the design by switching only a couple of photos, but I generally get a result I’m pleased with by trying different collage sizes and shuffling the photos. Hope this helps!


  26. Ahhh hahahahahahahaha! I love it! You look like you could get excellent tv reception with all of that foil!

    I want to see the after shots! Hair and chandelier.


  27. too funny!!! Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.


  28. Busy day!! Where is the “after” shot?!!? πŸ™‚ I bet it looks great!


  29. Jen this is a hilarious post! Hang onto those pictures for posterity! Your grandchildren are going to love them!


  30. So funny – you just need a blue tooth in your ear and it will be complete!!!! Love it!


  31. have a lovely says:

    love.this.post!!! hope all got done…and what didn’t…didn’t distract from a wonderful and blessed holiday!!!


  32. Tricia Anne says:

    How funny!! :o) I love it!


  33. Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says:

    Thank you, Jen! yes, this shopping thing was really recent. I was a little green when the other girls got to go shopping earlier this year, so I’m very happy they offered it to the rest of us too. It was a lot of fun!


  34. Handmade Housewife... says:

    I am totally laughing my head off right now…because I can so relate!! Been there, done that, with the foil. Although I must say you look way more stylish than me with foil and whatever that leopard print thing is around your neck! So true, so real. I needed that laugh today. Thanks!!



  35. Ashley @ Domestic Fashionista says:

    This is awesome…oh you have me laughing! Never underestimate a multi-tasking woman!


  36. ~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ says:

    Gotta love a woman who will post a picture of herself in the process of highlighting her hair, spray painting a lamp! You are too much. Usually I sit and read a magazine or blog. I’ll have to give it a try. Linked to you from 4 Reluctant Entertainers. Happy to make your aquaintance. Stop by for a visit sometime. ps: I paint everything white too.


  37. The Happy Housewife says:

    Okay- you crack me up! I have done many things while coloring my hair, but I try and stay inside while doing them!


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