June 14, 2024

What topics interest you?


Blue globe with a question mark on it

Nestled in the mountains of the Blue Ridge, I am leading worship for an amazing group of women.

It’s always such a privilege, and
I can’t wait to share this time with them.

The neatest thing happened this evening.
I snuck into one of the last seats at the dining hall, and the sweet girl sitting next to me whispered, “I read your blog.”

I found out that this is a big ‘ole blog reading church and many of the ladies “knew” me.

There was an instant connection because they already knew my story, and I felt like I was at home…bedlam and all.
(And they better leave me a comment now so you can all go “meet” them since I don’t have their blog names with me – you know who you are, girls.)

How fun is that?

For those of you who have a blog, have you ever had someone come up to you that “knows” you? I’d love to hear about it.
(I am now home after being unplugged for three days – no internet access was a blessing in disguise, but I sure am behind on lots of work).

While I was gone, I spent some time pondering topics that I want to dive into on this blog I call home.

Of course, I will always filter in bits of bedlam, but I’ve found this is a great place for me to be accountable to the beautiful aspect of my balancing act.

Since frugal living is a passion area, I will continue to post on couponing, meal planning, and of course thrifting… basically any area on saving money is fair game.
Months ago, I promised a post on “Designer Duds on a Dime,” that I never delivered, but sure did buy the clothes for it.
I thought I might add a regular feature called
Frugal Fashionista.

My plan is to show you how to put together a designer outfit for under $15.

Of course, most of the things would be from yard sales, and thrift stores, yet all with designer labels and a little “how to” tutorial.
Do enough of you want to dress trendy on less?
I found a brand new Anne Klein woman’s suit sporting the original price tag of $300+ at Good Will last week for $7.
It’s gorgeous and has never been worn.

That’s worth a Frugal Fashionista post, even if I’m not in the workplace anymore.

So, what other areas are of interest to you?

Give this your best brainstorm.

My schedule evens out over the next few months, and I would love to dive into topics that I may have casually mentioned I’d post on but never did, or give clearer explanations of topics that I typically cover like Couponing 101/target prices for grocery shopping etc.

For instance, I just got an email from a sweet blogging designer, Misty, that would like me to address the issue of how we deal with our children’s chores.

Developing responsibility in our children is something I am passionate about,
so I’d love to cover that.
(We’re slave drivers, I tell you. 🙂

Those are the kind of suggestions I would love to hear, so shoot away.
Many people have asked me questions in comments, but they got all spread out over many different posts. This is a spot where I can have them all together in one spot, and I’ll slowly get around to answering them.

Looking forward to hearing some ideas.


  1. Kim @ Forever Wherever says:

    You do a wonderful job with meal planning…maybe more of that!

    I’m glad you had a nice time!



  2. I think that I would thoroughly enjoy the frugal fashion tips. I am glad that you had good time at the worship. That is so neat that some people “knew” you. I haven’t had that happen yet.


  3. Kitty Scraps says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I’ll miss your posts while you’re offline for those few days. Looking forward to your return *smiles*


  4. I’d like to read more about your menu planning, and also about dressing great on a budget. Oh, and I’d like to read about chores too – that’s something that I can never seem to find a balance with!


  5. Frugal fashion sounds perfect! Please!

    Also, how do you handle money with your crew? Do you give them any kind of allowance?


  6. Sandy Toes says:

    I would love to know what a normal day looks for you..start to finish!
    sandy toe


  7. Since I’m a homeschooling Mom too, I’d love to hear more details about your homeschooling. What is your schedule like? How do you find the time to ‘do it all’? What type of curriculum or resources do you like the most? How do you find bargains on curriculum? …etc

    Thanks! I love your blog! Kathy =)


  8. Whitney Hannam says:

    Hey Jen,
    I’ll confess I’m one of those gals who checks in on you once in a while! I enjoyed the worship experience you helped set this weekend, it was such a fun time to be away with some of my favorite sisters!

    Oh, I like the frugal fashion tip idea…sometimes I have been known to have some frugal fopahs (sp.)

    Check me out http://www.whithannam.blogspot.com


  9. Yes, PLEASE post about your children's chores. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels at my house. No one helps and it's my fault that I haven't come up with a good plan for the kids (they are so old enough 4 & 6). HELP!


  10. The Graves' House says:

    i look forward to reading about all your frugal topics. i’m trying so hard right now to shop smart and meal plan to save where we can. your blog has given me lots of inspiration! (and recently i had someone that i didn’t know very well ask about something she had read on my blog – it’s funny when someone you don’t know seems to know you. come to find out she had been praying for my sisters pregnancy. how great!)


  11. The Keevy Family says:

    I love your blog! You are on my blog roll and I read your blog quite often.
    I would love to see you continue the frugal ideas, and the frugal fashionista sounds wonderful!
    I also would love to have you write about your Christian perpective on hot topics like: training and disciplining children and possibly the new rave of co-sleeping. You’ve been down the road farther than I have and I am sure you have some great wisdom to share.
    I always love the way you are so candid, upbeat, and encouraging. Thanks!


  12. Michelle says:

    yard sales! Wanna know how you do it! i always seem to walk away with junk


  13. HeathahLee says:

    Whatever you come up with I’ll love! (Not trying to brown-nose…I mean it!)

    Being in the same type of ministry that you are, I’d like to hear about your schedule for Worship. When do you practice? Are you part of a songwriting team? Do y’all have a choir? I always love gleaning info from other Worship Leaders when I can.


  14. new every morning says:

    Ooh! I’d love some frugal fashionista advice! And:
    Sibling rivalry
    Meal planning
    Shopping at thrift stores(I get overwhelmed


  15. YAY! You found my email!!!! I’m so excited. Yes ma’am. Please help me before my head spins off my shoulders. I want to ensure that my children are responsible but I don’t know where to begin (or what is age appropriate).

    Also, I am a OAMC Mommy. I scoured the internet before I started doing it looking for other how-to’s and ideas. I know others might be doing the same. Great topic to elaborate on (planning, prep, storage).


  16. Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says:

    Jen, I think that’s a great idea on the Frugal Fashionista, I’m all about dressing nice on less too.

    I have had a couple of people come up to me that knows my blog, once at the Eddie Ross shopping trip, but of course, there were lots of bloggers there, so that wasn’t unusual.

    Glad the weekend was blessed!


  17. I love all your posts but especially the ones on what you find at garage sales and what you do with it all and your fashion posts. I can’t wait to see that suit! 🙂


  18. How neat that someone recognized you cause they read your blog!!! You are FAMOUS!!!…lol

    I love reading anything you write. I always enjoy a variety of topics and you do well with that.


  19. That happened to me last summer and I felt so freaked out that I threatened to go private. OK so now I am going private but for different reasons. I wish I lived closer so I could come see you preachin’. You’re a good woman Jen.


  20. Susie from Bienvenue says:

    How neat that you ran into some of your sweet fans. I did get the chance to meet a few of my friends last fall at a craft show and it was so fun. I also had lunch with one of my blooging friends. It just seems like you have known them forever..
    I would love to see anything that you create Miss Jen! Just bring it on and I will love it~


  21. I would love to hear more about your yardsaling. Have you ever taken many of your kids with you and how that works out? How far are you willing to drive? I did almost none last year because of the $4.00 + gas prices last summer. Do you have a gas limit for it? Cute blog!!! We have lots of beauty and BEDLAM at our house too!


  22. millie smith says:

    hey jen! it was so good to connect with you (in real life!) this weekend. thanks soooo much for leading worship for our crew. it was a joy to get to play beside you saturday. i’m a bit of a newbie to your blog, but all of the topics that have been tossed out so far sound great. this is random, but if you did a post with the details of freezing marked down milk will you send it my way? its our budget guzzler right now 🙂 come on over here: http://www.readdaddyread.blogspot.com/ when you have time!


  23. Melanie Dorsey says:

    Frugal fashion gets my vote.


  24. I'm new to the site, but am really liking what I've read so far! I'd love to see more on:
    Meal planning and Menus
    Child allowance/chores, etc.
    Fashion, especially how to accesorize or otherwise jazz up the basic mom wardrobe of jeans & t-shirts


  25. 2- Sweet Boutique says:

    Glad your back! I am really enjoying your blog…as a mom to 5 daughters…I can totally relate to some of your posts! Thanks so much for your wisdom when it comes to couponing,finding deals..I totally need this!



  26. Just last weekend, two friends of us had dinner with us at home, and I was surprised when the girl said, we check out your cali pictures on your website http://www.zcouple.com. I have to say, it felt good.
    By the way, I love your website even thought I am male 🙂


  27. The frugal fashionista sounds fun! Actually, I love all your yard sale finds….home decor too.

    I once told someone I saw at a homeschool meeting that I read her blog….I think she thought it was strange:)

    I would have thought it was flattering;)


  28. love the frugal fashionista. I think pics still do say 1000 words! I will be looking in on what you say, blog friend!!…


  29. queenbee says:

    I really would enjoy posts about frugal fashion, children discipline, and schooling even though I dont plan on homeschooling ideas can always be implemented at home.


  30. Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful says:

    Can’t wait for the Frugal Fashionista segment…and to see that fab suit you found.

    I also love your tips on coupons, grocery shopping, and thrifting. Keep em comin.

    You inspire me Jen


  31. Organizing Mommy says:

    Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I had such a neat experience working with Karen, the blog designer. I’m going to post tomorrow about all of the decisions I had to make etc. Yes, we have a lot in common–even 5 kids! fun!


  32. Oh yay! Ever since seeing that you wore ALL thrift at Blissdom, I’ve been waiting for a frugal fashion post. That would be awesome!

    I also love the mealtime posts and yardsaling. Well, I really love it all!


  33. Melissa @ The Inspired Room says:

    I was going to be all silly and give you some wacky topics to discuss, but instead, I’ll just say I will love whatever you share. I love hearing whatever is on your heart!



  34. I love your blog. My mom was the queen of frugality and a true fashionista. We used to put together outfits and figure out the cost -including shoes. Hey mom this outfit only cost me 5.00! Including the shoes? OK OK 15.00. So much fun!


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