May 17, 2024

Encouragement to Moms on this Mother’s Day!


As I browsed the web trying to find the perfect “quote” to encourage women with their mothering, I realized that my personal exhortation when I speak at Mops is always the one to which I come back.

In these moments, when the days are long, and I feel that I can’t get through another day, I remind myself that I am more than a meal maker, more than a nose blower, more than a bootie wiper.

I am a Dream Maker….
I am a Life Changer…
I am a Legacy Leaver

Reflect and ponder on that moms.
You have been uniquely chosen by God to mother your children through the good, bad and ugly.

Your value is not determined by what others think of you or even what you think of yourself (read that again, and commit that to memory).

Your worth, your value is determined by how God views you…and HE loves you more than His own life. You are His precious child, His daughter.

Moms, we have been uniquely chosen by God to mother our children.
What an honor!
The days are long, but the years are short.

How do you view this calling of mothering? Is it a blessing or a burden?
Let’s encourage each other on this challenging journey, wherever we are in the process.
We only have one chance to do it right, and I want to live with no regrets.

How about you?

Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Oh, Jen…thanks, I really needed to read that. Happy Mother’s Day to you!


  2. Living With Lindsay says:

    I needed to read that, too. As the mother of a 3 year old little boy who is in that “phase,” I am really struggling right now. Thanks for that, Jen!

    Oh, dear God, I hope it’s just a phase. 🙂


  3. southerninspiration says:

    Amen, sistah!! I agree!



  4. Happy Mothers Day! Wishing you and your family many blessings!


  5. Here here! Thanks Jen, and Happy Mothers Day to you. I like to take a picture with each one of my kids and write a note about how I love being their mom.


  6. Nicole O'Dell says:

    Happy Mother’s Day!


  7. "Just Me - NC Beth" says:

    Wow! Great post!

    Happy Mother’s Day!



  8. duchess says:

    Thanks, Jen. Happy Mother’s Day to you.


  9. Heather says:

    I hope you have a wonderful mother’s day!


  10. Christi says:

    What a beautiful reminder. Happy Mother’s Day, Jen!


  11. AnNicole @ OurSuburbanCottage says:

    Love this. Thanks so much for sharing those thoughts.

    Have a Happy Mother’s Day!


  12. Vern ~ Inspired says:

    Stopping by to tell you HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

    Get in contact with me…I have something to send you!!

    Love ya!


  13. Love that statement! Have a Happy Happy Mother’s Day!


  14. Kristen, The Pajama Mama says:

    very well said…thanks!


  15. Cheryl B. says:

    Jen, you might enjoy what I posted about this topic on my site today:
    Cheryl B.


  16. Amanda @ Serenity Now says:

    I know it’s true, but it’s soooo hard to keep it at the front of my mind sometimes. :s Happy Mother’s Day!!


  17. new every morning says:

    Thanks, Jen! What an encouragement!


  18. Thanks so much for the encouragement! I really needed to “hear” that! Happy Mother’s Day!


  19. Thanks for the encouragement! I have been thinking about the same thing. I so feel called to be home with my kids… and have been blessed to be here for 12 years! It is hard when I have others telling me I should be out working, “contributing” income. It makes me so sad to think of not being at home, and I get so discouraged. But then I have to remind myself that my work at home is to be done as unto the Lord, not unto men. HIS opinion is the only one that matters. This morning I received some precious letters from my kids. I think they get it. Blessings!!!


  20. I hope you had a great Mother’s Day!


  21. Vintagesquirrel says:

    Beautifully written…


  22. Stopping in from SITS. I think I need to steal that quote, it is an excellent one. Thanks for the reality check.


  23. Jessica says:

    Happy Mother’s Day Jen. I wish I could come see you speak, I’m sure you’re great. I am trying to get to Utah on June 5th to see Susan Wise Bauer speak and another leader from TJED. Have fun loving on your one kid. I had just Sophia the other day (for a measly 4 hours) but it was so nice and EASY! 🙂


  24. Melissa Lester says:

    Happy Mother’s Day, Jen! I hope your children and husband spoiled you rotten!


  25. I say AMEN to that!


  26. HeathahLee says:

    I need that encouragement daily!

    Oh, and I haven’t forgotten your birdie…I will get him in the mail tomorrow! 🙂


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