May 17, 2024

Swedish Pancakes


We’ve been on a cereal kick since I got a triple coupon score at only $0.25/box. So some mom (who will remain nameless) has been force feeding cereal on her children. πŸ™‚

They aren’t complaining, since it’s a once in a life time thing, butΒ  I thought I better depart from my hot breakfast hiatus and heat up the griddle again.

We love pancakes in our home.

I have tried tons of variations – thick, thin, puffed, baked, adding fruit, chocolate chips, various flavored extracts here and there, but when I want the “lick it off the plate, I don’t even need syrup” recipe, I turn to these easy Swedish pancakes.

They are incredibly thin, which is how we like them, but I have to make a TON to fill up the bellies of my children (which is the only downside). This recipe has the added benefit of being serious “eye candy” if you have company and want a delicious, yet beautiful presentation.
Swedish pancakes can be served with a gourmet presentation by just rolling them up with fruit sauce and whipped cream.

If I was a better Tasty Tuesday hostess, you would now be seeing that gorgeous presentation, but since this is Balancing Beauty and BEDLAM, on this morning I was just going for the “make as many as I can in as little time as possible” presentation.
Therefore circle, triangle, and rectangle pancakes are all acceptable to me. They all go down the same pipe. My kids would have grabbed the camera and flushed it if I had stopped to take any more pictures before finally handing over the pancakes. They were waiting patiently around the table as I snapped away with the camera. πŸ™‚
But they agreed, they were worth the wait.

I literally quadrupled this recipe. It’s very rich, so you may choose to use less butter and more milk after you have made it once. I have also added a dash of almond extract. It gives it a special little twist.
Did any of you take my “lights out” challenge and eat by candlelight this week? How did it go?



  1. Kate @ Stolen Moments says:

    They look fantastic Jen! And I’m sure the squares and triangles taste just as delicious as the circles.

    I might be able to get away with just tripling your recipe, but I definitely know what you mean about having to make a ton to fill the bellies!


  2. Amy @ Finer Things says:

    We are big pancake fans here, too. Those look yummy!


  3. HeathahLee says:

    I make some similar to that without sugar to use in my manicotti recipe, but I’ll have to try this with the sugar and butter. Yummmmmm…..!


  4. Kristen says:

    Your pancakes look delicious! I especially like the tower of them you have on that plate….My kids would be grabbing them so fast that I’d never get a picture taken.


  5. These are a favorite at our house too. My boys just love them. I’m going to try adding the almond extract, that is a great idea! Yum!


  6. Ashley @ Domestic Fashionista says:



  7. ooo…those look great.


  8. The Happy Housewife says:

    Yum, not everyone in my family loves thin pancakes, but those look delish. I am definitely going to try these soon!


  9. Vivienne says:

    Everything looks great!


  10. melissa says:

    These look so good! Love the almond extract idea as well. I forgot about the candlelight thing~I’ll try it this week! I even incorporated coupons into my recipe~thought you’d like that, Jen…thanks!!


  11. One Mom says:

    Our neighbor when I was a little girl (we called her Gammy)had Swedish pancake breakfasts for friends and neighbors. I cannot begin to imagine how many pancakes she served! She had special pans so that the pancakes were uniform and quite small. I had one of those pans but unfortunately lost it in a move….your recipe really brings back memories!


  12. Amy Ellen says:

    Wow… those look good! I have a feeling they wouldn’t last long here…


  13. Sandy Toes says:

    Those pancakes look wonderful!
    sandy toe


  14. Amanda @ Serenity Now says:

    Woohoo! My first Tasty Tuesday! That was fun. πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to find some good recipes here! πŸ™‚


  15. TidyMom says:

    LOL sounds like my house – they all roll their eyes at me when I take pictures while I’m cooking!

    Those sound WONDERFUL!!! I’m going to give them a try – we made pancakes the other night and they were too thick.

    I’m going to try them like crapes too – put some yogurt in the middle roll up and top with fruit!!

    Thanks Jen!


  16. Ooooh, I love Swedish pancakes! I haven’t had any since I was younger at home. My dad and mom would make these together with some fresh blueberry sauce to go over. My mouth is watering just thinking about them. YUM!


  17. Michelle says:

    yum! these look great! will be printing out this recipe today and may even try them tomorrow morning for breakfast!


  18. Those look sooo good! Plus, everyone in my family loves thin pancakes so these should be a hit!


  19. Hoosier Homemade says:

    I’m a little confused about Mr. Linky. Where did he go?
    Here is my link on Breast Cancer Awareness Cupcakes
    Thanks for hosting!


  20. KCShipe says:

    Those pancakes look fabulous! I’m going to have to try them.
    This is my post for this week – my hubby’s birthday cake!


  21. Those look like crepes…are they the same thing? They do look yummy! My girls had waffles this morning…since I froze leftover waffles from a previous morning (your brilliant idea- thanks!). πŸ™‚ My girlies were happy!


  22. Stacey @ The Blessed Nest says:

    Those look yummy!! We just love pancakes in this house, especially with chocolate chips! I’ve never tried Swedish pancakes though, I’ll have to try these! πŸ™‚


  23. Smelling Coffee says:

    Hey Jen~ Didn’t mean to post my link twice – I didn’t think it worked the first time… If you can remove one, please feel free to. πŸ™‚

    Your pancakes look delicious! πŸ™‚


  24. Chaotic Kitty says:

    Pancakes look delicious. Will definitely be trying this recipe.


  25. gingerrwade says:

    Yeah, I LOVE pancakes!


  26. Almost like a crepe. looks super yummy!


  27. Shannon says:

    I love pancakes and those look delicious!


  28. Anonymous says:

    We’ve made these in my house ever since I can remember; they are easily made Gluten Free with rice flour. =)


  29. number17cherrytreelane says:

    You’re right–those looks delectable! Amazing!


  30. Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates says:

    Those pancakes sound really yummy!! I forgot to try the candles! And I do love the idea.


  31. We love pancakes so I will definitely try this recipe!


  32. Nicole Feliciano says:

    We eat by candlelight 3-4 nights a week. I love it adds a nice bit of romance!


  33. Kim @ Everything Etsy says:

    I could eat some pancakes right now!!! Yummy photos!



  34. Those look really great! I am always looking for a good pancake recipe!


  35. Pretty Organizer says:

    These are my favorite but MAN! You stand flippin by that grill forever! My family needs a quadruple portion as well. Mmmmm…. the Swedes got that one right! Looking good over here lady. LOVing all your bloggy spruce ups. Been on a bloggy vacation of sorts trying to prioritize life again. So glad I caught the party though!


  36. These look really similar to Dutch “pannenkoeken.” I can’t wait to give them a try =)


  37. Tutta la Storia says:

    Okay, I have to say that in my blogroll I have a thumbnail of the first pic in this post, and I thought it was a plate of shaved deli meat!! TOO FUNNY! I will try these, pancakes are a fave around here, especially for DINNER!


  38. Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda says:

    Hi Jen, These pancakes sound wonderful! Never had thin pancakes….will have to give them a try! ~hugs, Rhonda πŸ™‚


  39. Bridget says:

    Oh, those look delicious!!! I’ll have to make these! Thanks!


  40. Kim... and Her Coffee says:

    SO many great recipes. Thanks for hosting this! I totally missed this week, but will join in next time…. πŸ™‚


  41. ick. pancakes. i cant stand them. but my son and husband love them.


  42. Kelly the Kitchen Kop says:


    Bloggers often forget to add a link on our Real Food Wednesdays, too, and now I’ve gone and done it! I’m so sorry, but I’ve added it now! πŸ™‚

    We’re only up to about 30 for RFW’s and you have 70 today, wow! If anyone has any posts about Real Food to share, please jump in. At my site you can read what we mean by “real food”.

    Thanks for letting me know what I forgot, Jen!


  43. Jenny S says:

    These were so easy!!! Kyle and I made some this morning! Thank you for sharing the receipe!!


  44. Nicole Feliciano says:

    I just added a new Mr. Linky for favorite recipes here:


  45. bonny smith says:

    I’ve made these twice delicious!


    Jen Reply:

    So glad you enjoy them. We just love them too. πŸ™‚


  46. Tiffany says:

    I have to say, we always had these when I was growing up (with some variation to the recipe), and everybody has always said, “Swedish pancakes?? Those are crepes!” Haha. Except my kids..they beg for “Swedish Pancakes” all the time πŸ™‚ I was glad to see them on Pinterest πŸ™‚


  47. Margriet says:

    Your recipe for Swedish pancakes is the same as the one I use for Dutch thin pancakes. By either name, they are still delicious. We had them two nights ago with different sundae toppings, maple syrup, strawberry jam and dusted with powdered sugar!


    Jen Reply:

    OH my – I think you have convinced me what I am making tomorrow. πŸ™‚


  48. What kind of griddle do you have? I’ve been in the market for one but haven’t been able to choose.


  49. Mathilde says:

    I get a bit offended when it is called sweedish, the same with meatballs, thin pancakes are the standard pancake in all of Europe, originated from france, as the crepe suzette. this has nothing particular to do with sweden. it is like calling a pizza with pepperoni an American Pizza. yes you eat it over there, but so do every one else..
    for some reason every food we eat north of spain is apparently swedish, when americans make it!
    i am sorry for my outburst, but please just call it a thin pancake, or a crep if you want to call it by its original name. for us it is just a pancake.

    from Denmark!


    Jen Reply:

    I would not have thought that through and I apologize. Thanks for clarifying. It probably just came from our grandparents bringing this great recipe over from Europe. Our pancakes are fat and very doughy. Take it as a complement though. Here is much more of a treat and we love it.


  50. The Norwegian have a version of panerkaker, but we use six eggs, half cup flour and 1/2 cup milk. Plus vanilla extract. It’s delicious and lots of good protein πŸ™‚ friends tease about crepes and swedish but these are definately eggier. The othe commenter was right, most Europeans have some sort of similar type recipe.


  51. carla schaefer says:

    My mom made these when I was young. She made plate size pancakes, and stacked them after buttering and sprinkling sugar on each Then when she had 8 or 10 stacked up, she would cut the stack in wedges to serve–YUM! Now my grandkids beg their mom for these!



  1. […] Square Pancakes Recipe β€’ Strawberry Paleo Pancakes Recipe β€’ Strawberry Pancakes Recipe β€’ Swedish Pancakes Recipe β€’ Tenderest Cardamom Pancakes Recipe β€’ Vanilla Cinnamon Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe β€’ […]

  2. […] by my last set of rounds at midnight, but on a good night I try and stay awake enough to make some Swedish pancakes or vegan waffles as a late-night […]

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