June 14, 2024

Spontaneous Hospitality


Summer should be a time of lazy days by the pool, cook outs with friends and special family get togethers. I wish I could speak to all the above, but our summer is just flying by in a frenzy, and I am missing out on some simple summer pleasures.

So when sister in law mentioned root beer floats, spontaneous hospitality went into action.
Quite often, hospitality is equated with stress, hours of house cleaning, and budget breaking buffets.
Why not host an evening of spontaneous hospitality? In one hour, round up a slew of folks for a root beer float party that everyone will enjoy.

Planning something at the last minute allows for expectations to be lowered, therefore enjoying what really matters the most..friends and family.
Last Saturday morning nothing was on our calendar, but by the evening we had a houseful and it was a blast.

Just wait until my next post when I share who our other guests were and what the topic of conversation was….it was VERY eye opening.

Hospitality…who would ever have thought (is up now). Read about evening.


  1. Oooh a very inspiring post! I may just have to do some spontaneous inviting next week.


  2. My summer is flying by, too! I feel like I have been busy working… not much time to relax. Since my husband started working nights and some Saturdays 5 months ago, our opportunities for hospitality have diminished greatly. Up till then we hosted a small group and dinner twice a month, and more. Now, we hardly ever have company. But this is a good reminder. We need to make the time. Indeed. (I saw this title and thought I would see a report on your She Speaks veranda meeting!!!) Blessings!!


  3. I don't even like root beer and that looks good. Or maybe it's the combo of that cute little face and the very bright nail polish that I'm liking.


  4. Lucy Marie says:

    What cute photos! I love me a root beer float!


  5. Dawn@Embracing the Ordinary Life says:

    I love root beer floats…loved them at my Grams as a kid…why is something so fun and so simple…so often forgotten…I gotta get me some float fixins…Thanks for the reminder.


  6. Jennifer says:

    Sounds like a great time!


  7. HeathahLee says:

    I LOVE spontaneous things like that, and I LOVE floats! : ) I do like Coke better than RB, though. I know, call me crazy.


  8. darnold23 says:

    Perfect Boy and made blue berry Kool Aid Popsicles yesterday. He thought that was the most special thing to do, but eating one later for his snack may have topped making them. Sometimes the simplest things really are the best.


  9. Love this idea! I STRESS OUT when it comes to entertaining. This may be my solution. Thanks!


  10. Great photos! Sounds like fun!


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