June 14, 2024

Creative Concealment – Hutch Redo


Do you know how often I make a small change within my home and then think, “Why in the world did I not do that sooner?”
Well, this is definitely one of those moments. It’s not something original or extraordinary, but quite often it’s “the little things that are the big things,” yet we don’t take the time to make it happen.

A few years ago, I bought this beautiful hutch. Well, honestly, it wasn’t too beautiful when I bought it and that’s why I only paid $5 for it. But I could see the gorgeous carvings and spindled legs and knew with a quick coat of paint, it would be a perfect trash to treasure TV stand.
The nasty brown, dirty wood had not been shown any lovin’ for a long time, so I brought it home, cleaned it up, painted it a yummy yellow and then white washed over the color til it was the perfect accent color against my green walls. (Can you tell I rushed the post and took the pictures at 11:45 tonight? It just doesn’t capture the subtle shade at all, but I have no patience to wait til tomorrow. )

The door was slightly warped, yet it had such dynamic character that I could barely stand to take it off. But I finally did.
It needed to be put down, poor thing…may it rest in peace in our burn pile…

and so I added this $0.25 tension rod that I bought at a yard sale. Draping this free yard sale swatch of fabric across the rod, created the perfect hiding space for our stereo. No sewing, no fussing…just do it. πŸ™‚

Isn’t this just the yummiest fabric ever? I just want to roll around in it or eat it for breakfast, I love it so much.
But it’s one of those fabrics that I could never in good conscience invest in since a few yard would cost more than my entire wardrobe for a year. πŸ™‚ So I gaze at this fabric and appreciate the fact that this wonderfully sweet, rich lady gave me all her samples at a yard sale when she redecorated her home. πŸ™‚ You’ll be seeing more of these fabrics.

In minutes, my stereo was creatively concealed, and I think, “Why in the world did I not do that sooner?” It was a virtually free redo that took merely minutes.
Is there something in your house that you have been putting off that would just take a few minutes but make a huge difference? You can do it.

I know all you truly nosy people are wondering why I an not showing the whole hutch, right? Well, then I would have to show you my bedlam moment when I shoved all the phonics and math games in the corner behind the coach/hutch so that my visitor would not see them when they walked in unexpectedly. Looking straight on, they’re completely hidden from view.
Yep, another form of creative concealment that I am not too proud of. I’ll put it away tomorrow. πŸ™‚
Did you know that clutter is a sign that your life is out of control?
Yep, I heard it on HGTV from where all real wisdom stems.
I jest, but I am really working on that (everything has a place, and all that jazz).
So until I find a place for those games, I’ll just stare a few more minutes at my happy colors.
This swatch forms the basis for the color palette in my great room and kitchen. It’s been yellow and green with all white accents for a long time.
Inspired by this, I will slowly be adding in hints of light blue/turquoise as well. I can’t wait to share the surprises as I find them on my treasure hunts.

Posted at : The Shabby Nest


  1. Beautiful color inspiration and more importantly, thanks for keeping it real!
    God's blessings on your weekend, Sarah πŸ˜€


  2. Much, Much too cute. I have a really cute re-fab in my room that is not living up to it's potential- and another peice that is waiting for inspiration to strike. I should e-mail you some photos. Should, If I get to it….


  3. Smelling Coffee says:

    Beautiful inspiration!


  4. Cute fabric… and few chuckles, I can relate on the clutter. πŸ™‚


  5. Real Life Sarah says:

    What an awesome idea! I would love to just come and look around your house, it's so beautiful and classic!


  6. The Happy Housewife says:

    Love the fabric and the hutch! Seriously we need to move closer to each other so we can yard sale together!


  7. Wendy @ The Shabby Nest says:

    I think this is a wonderful redo! And yes, very creative!!

    If clutter is a sign that your life is out of control…I think we're all pretty much in trouble, don't you?


  8. Six in One Hand says:

    The color is perfect!
    I love it.
    For $5 you have a great find!


  9. Songbirdtiff says:

    Excellent idea. I have those moments, too. Like when I painted my entertainment (a.k.a. old dresser) black. Why didn't I do that YEARS ago?


  10. Nadir @ Hodgepodge says:

    That's just beautiful. Love the fabric too!


  11. You're too funny! It's definitely beautiful. I have a very long list of things I'd like to change around here.

    Thanks for the inspiration,


  12. What a beautiful piece!


  13. Cristie Campbell says:

    I have been doing just what you're talking about for about 2 months now. I have had this GREAT brown paint in my garage for like 2 years now, and just recently decided to spend a couple of hours painting one of my walls in my living room with it. Its my accent wall. My three year old calls it my chocolate wall…yummy. It is yummy…and totally inspired me to just keep going. It doesn't help that I'm pregnant and SERIOUSLY nesting right now – oh my poor husband. He's a trooper though. Anyway, thanks for the continued inspiration…you are GREAT!


  14. The Scooper says:

    Love the hutch. As for clutter and life being out of control, I think homeschool families should get an exemption. HGTV needs to have a show where they come in and help families like us!


  15. Cynthia @An Accomplished Woman says:

    What a pretty re-do and how smart are you?


  16. Cristie Campbell says:

    And I LOVE the fabric, btw!


  17. summur braley says:

    Way to go it looks great.
    Don't listen to HGTV listen to God. He is more understanding:)


  18. Elizabeth (blue clear sky) says:

    I love organizing, but even my home gets its 'what do I do with it piles' now and again. I think that is all part of a home that is evolving. There always seems to be another project that solves one problem but creates a new 'for now' collection. Just an idea, but until you find that permanent solution you are searching for, grab an empty basket, wicker, metal, whatever, and toss it all in. Beautiful fabric btw.


  19. Beautiful. I love, love, love that fabric! And I love the 2-step paint process… I can tell it looks wonderful in real life. Blessings!


  20. Amy Green (Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free) says:

    I love this idea and your beautiful colors match my house. I wish I was more inspired when it comes to decorating. I go in spurts and go antiquing or bargin hunting, but mostly I have a one track mind and forget about decorating – I finally found the perfect shelves for my family room and they've been empty since I got them.


  21. i love how it turned out! great job! we all need hiding places!


  22. Centsational Girl says:

    Ooooh that's marvelous. I love the colors ! And now I have official guilt because I have clutter. A lot of it. My excuse is my kids, not my blog. LOL.

    Have a great weekend !

    πŸ™‚ Kate


  23. Hi Jen, thanks for concealing! Clutter and all. I'd fit into your family quite well πŸ™‚ xo


  24. Beautiful fabric! What a great change! Love the little things like that with huge benefits! Love it.


  25. What a cute piece! And for $5! That fabric is really nice!!


  26. Sandy at God Speaks Today says:

    For the last five years, we've used our bar area for storage and for animal cages (bunnies, hamsters, snakes (!), guinea pigs…). Well, I finally cleaned out the real storage area and put all the overflow storage in there. It took me a whole week. But our bar area is gorgeous. And after I dump an entire bucket of disinfecting chemicals on it, I may actually be able to serve food there.



  27. Hey Jen, a great re-do! I added you to my blog roll.. I would be honored if you would put me on yours if you end up having one!


  28. The McCrays says:

    That fabric is rockin' awesome! Love it!


  29. Melissa @ The Inspired Room says:

    Very cute! great job on your creative concealment!!!


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