May 17, 2024

Donut Birthday Cake


Sometimes as women we put so much pressure on ourselves to be “perfect”Β  – the perfect mom, the perfect employee, the perfect…(fill in your blank).

Especially during the holidays, the desire for Martha Stewart decorations, the Food Network’s Holiday Dinner and a bounty of presents sparkling under the Christmas tree overtakes us. But sometimes that just doesn’t happen, and you know what? That is OK.

Memories aren’t magical because of the money spent or the amount of holiday lights twinkling in your trees. Memories are woven into your legacy by the relationships built, the bonding that occurs, and the traditions you do over and over.

So what does that have to do with a Donut Birthday Cake?

My readers know that we hosted a fairly spontaneous 16th birthday party for our eldest son on a budget. He had the night of his life, and the night was absolutely perfect. But you know what?Β  Martha probably would not have declared, “It’s a good thing.”

And I am delighted with that.

I had a complete revelation. You know one of those reminders that you’ve had before but kind of forget? I knew I wouldn’t have time to bake a cake and certainly didn’t want to buy a sheet cake for 70 people (including family), so I thought outside the box…literally, the Krispy Kreme box.

I bought five dozen donuts and in about two minutes, I built a Krispy Kreme donut birthday cake. We added more donuts after this picture was taken and I evened out the sides a bit to make it a bit more professional looking. Friends, this poor, little Charlie Brown Christmas tree, donut cake was the hit of the party.

My son exclaimed, “That’s really cool, mom.” And if the birthday boy is happy, momma’s happy.

If the guests weren’t arriving as I was stacking them, I would have embellished it a bit more with some frosting, sprinkles and real candles, but then again…there was no need. He loved it just the way it was.

So ladies, why all the pressure? Can we be free this month to give ourselves permission to lower the bar of perfection, but raise the bar on quality time, making magical memories and casting vision for the legacy that we all want to leave?

Sometimes it’s OK to just go with what is easiest and realize that when our kids are grown, they aren’t going to remember if we spent three hours decorating that perfectly manicured cake. Sometimes, they’ll just remember those donuts stacked haphazardly with love on a huge platter.

I thought I was all creative with my donut birthday cake until I saw this. Now, that is fun. It’s almost at great as my brother’s wedding cupcake stand. Almost!

My wedding cake


  1. Oh my, my husband would love that cake!

    Christi @ A Southern Life


  2. I would have never thought of that Jen! I bet my boys would LOVE that.
    Thanks for hosting!


  3. A donut birthday cake! That’s awesome! What a great idea!


  4. You most definitely win the “mom you rock!” award with that! That’s a great idea!


  5. I think a donut cake is a fabulous idea!! Well done. And super yummy too…. πŸ˜‰


  6. If my Krispy Kreme wasn’t in the middle of the ‘hood, I’d be in my van right now. Oh, man, and I bet the “Hot Doughnuts Now” sign is lit. Awwww, maaaaaan! πŸ™‚

    My Kiddo (and my Sound man, and my self) would looooove a cake like that. I just can’t tell my friend Lisa. She makes cakes!


  7. We always do donuts for birthday breakfasts…so now I am thinking this could be the new tradition. Very fun!


  8. My family would love it! We are just not cake eaters and have birthday pie instead, but a donut cake would be so fun!


  9. It’s breakfast..that looks yummy.
    Thank you for the reminder that it’s okay not to be perfect. Good word for this time of year~
    All Things Heart and Home


  10. Jen, what a fun idea! I’ll have to remember that when I’m hosting birthday parties for my boys right after Christmas. Donuts are always a hit!


  11. This reminds me of something I once heard at a Women of Faith conference several years ago.

    “Bless, don’t impress.” Too many times we worry about what others will think instead of just enjoying the moment.



  12. Jen, as I pulled up the picture of the cake, my girls were standing behind me. In unison they squealed with delight. “Oh, can I have that cake for my birthday, please!”


  13. Love it!

    Just wanted to let you know that link to your brother’s cupcake stand goes back to the pic of the donut wedding cake. πŸ™‚


  14. Hey that is a really neat idea! My DH loves Krispy Kreme donuts….maybe for his birthday (because I love them too LOL)


  15. We went to a wedding a few years ago that was mid morning. They had the reception at a very fancy place & served a wonderful brunch. And instead of a regular wedding cake… they had a beautiful stack of Krispy Kreme donuts! Then they served everyone a donut (from the kitchen area) individually. One friend said, “I don’t think I’ve ever had a donut served on a fine china plate with a fork…”
    Your party was great!


  16. What an AWESOME idea!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!



  17. Love the donut cake…I’m also a momma to 5 and a CC tutor ! ) Boy do we EVER need shortcuts that are fabulous! Love it!


  18. Jen, you are so creative! I love Krispy Kremes and I’m going to ask for one of those on my birthday!


  19. I love it! What a fun idea! And bonus points for pleasing the 16 year old πŸ™‚ Also a good reminder that it’s okay (and sometimes better!) to not have everything perfect. Blogland is wonderful except sometimes it leaves me feeling like I’m not exactly getting the job of mom done perfectly….


  20. Jen, first of all, thank you for hosting another week of Tasty Tuesday. πŸ™‚ The donut cake is awesome, and I don’t know a kid who wouldn’t flip over it!

    I had tears in my eyes when I read this. Seriously. Thanks for the permission to stop worrying about perfection. That can really ruin a holiday like Christmas, when the focus should be on JESUS (who is the entire “reason for the season”) and not “is my house clean enough?”, “did I decorate as nicely as my friends?,” “did I spend enough on gifts?”

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. πŸ™‚


  21. Oh, yes! Amen, sister! And please keep preaching–I’m listening, and I so need to hear this! I need to hear this truth proclaimed in my life. Thank you for this very timely reminder.


  22. The picture got a big thumbs up from my “nearly 13” son. πŸ™‚ What a great idea!


  23. How fun! I definitely want to be that kind of mom – fun, spontaneous, up to a challenge – when my kids are teens!


  24. Awesome idea! You’re right about how we always think everything needs to be perfect. I think that the majority of the time our guests/family would rather have us happy and not stressed and have things just fun and comfortable. Instead of having us grumpy, stressed, and everything perfect.

    My husband seriously dreams in Krispy Kreme, so I know he would be thrilled to have this for his brithday cake. Thanks for the idea! =)


  25. You are my hero! A donut b-day cake….who would have thought?!? I bet my kids would go crazy over one. You inspire me (yet again!), Jen.


  26. Jen, this is GREATNESS! love it! I’ll bet your son remembers this MUCH longer than he would have a cake. I was excited when i saw the title as I’ve been craving (and even dreaming about) donuts in this pregnancy. πŸ™‚ Have a very happy Thanksgiving! Kelly


    DonutLover Reply:

    I am so appreciative i love donuts and this would be a good idea for my daughter brittneys birthday. thnx


  27. Some time ago, I did need to buy a car for my business but I didn’t earn enough money and couldn’t order anything. Thank goodness my dude adviced to take the business loans from trustworthy creditors. Therefore, I acted so and used to be satisfied with my auto loan.


  28. My apologies – that post is a few years old and although I didn’t get it from your site, someone else must have used it. I will give proper credit.



  1. […] I’m sharing this recipe at Tasty Tuesday at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam. […]

  2. […] post is linked to: Tempt my Tummy Tuesday at Blessed with Grace and Tasty Tuesday at Beauty and […]

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