May 17, 2024

Becoming is HERE!


The Registration desk at our Becoming Conference has just opened.  Jenny and I, as hosts,  couldn’t be more excited to welcome women from around the U.S and share life with them for a few days.

I am blessed to partner with these other four amazing ladies who are going to share their words of wisdom and expertise.

Here are just a few of Angela’s unbelievable art inspiration that she is going to speak on her her Trash to Treasure workshop.

And here’s just a peak at what the lobby area looked like last night at midnight.  A group of us worked into the wee hours to bring some fun surprises to our attendees. (Beautiful tote bags by Blessings Unlimited.)

I’ll try and share some little notes of encouragement that I have received as I listen to those around me, but I sure do hope many of you can come next year.  You won’t regret it. 🙂


  1. Just checked in! Can’t wait for tonight’s keynote. I am so excited to be here!


    Jen Reply:

    @Bridget, Come introduce yourself and let me know you left this comment so I can put a name/face together. :0


  2. So wish I were there – I’m starting a savings jar for next year!


    Wendy Reply:

    @Wendy, BTW, when will y’all (or have you already & I missed it) release the dates for next year?


    Jen Reply:

    @Wendy, We haven’t announced it yet, but it will be Sept 20, 21 (if that’s a Friday /Sat…don’t have a calendar in front of me. :))


  3. I am SO glad that I came! First night and you’ve already inspired me!

    Thank you!


  4. Holly Fordham says:

    I already said thank you in person, but I need to say it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! What an amazing, encouraging, inspiring conference. All your hard work paid off. ( you must be exhausted!!) It’s one thing to read a blog, it’s another thing to meet, see and hear the blogger. Thanks for sharing your heart, and doing it in such an inspiring ( and humorous) way. Absolutely loved everything, and can’t wait till next year. Thanks again!



    Jen Reply:

    @Holly Fordham, Holly, thank you for your sweet words. Isn’t real life SO much better? At least for me it is. 🙂

    We already have a million fun, new ideas (and some repeated, of course) storming through our heads for next year. Thrilled you enjoyed it enough to want to come back.


  5. Just wanted to say Becoming Conference was absolutely WONDERFUL! and I was so inspired to come home and implement so many tips learned! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! so much!


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