May 17, 2024

Books Should Be Free: Free Audio Books


“There’s no better way to inform and expand your mind on a regular basis than to get into the habit of reading good literature . . . You can get into the best minds that are now or that have ever been in the world.” – Stephen Covey

Ever since I was a child, I’ve been a voracious reader. I desire the same for our five children, but so far only one claims the same passion I had for books. That doesn’t mean I don’t keep trying and audio books are a wonderful way for our children to expand their vocabulary, reading and communication skills.

With my struggling reader, she will often follow along in her book, as she listens to the audio of the same.We check books on CD’s out at the library, but I was thrilled to just find “Books Should Be Free.”

At first, I thought it was just Classic Children’s books based on the recommendation, but now have found hundreds of books that I would love to listen to as I drive (and all free downloads).

I’ve been told that all the readers are volunteers, so their level of extemporaneous reading skills will vary book by book.

Check out Books Should Be Free for hundreds of Free, Online Audio books for Mp3, ipods and itunes format.

(Edited to add: Some of you have seen a logo on there that talks about a free trial membership for another audio site. That is actually a google ad that leads to a new site, and is NOT for this website. All the links and downloads offered on here are free.)


Thank you, MoneySavingMom


  1. This is wonderful. I’m going check it out! Thanks for the tip.


  2. It talks about a 30 day free trial. Does it cost after that?


    Jen Reply:

    I went on there to see what you were talking about.

    That is a GOOGLE ad, and is NOT for the free site. That leads to a different site. There is no trial membership needed for this site.


  3. Thank you so much sharing this site! I have already shared it with several friends who love to listen to books on tape while they work out.


  4. How neat is this!!!


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