May 17, 2024

Take a Minute & Introduce Yourself: It’s National…


Yesterday over at (in)courage, I was reminded that it was National “Delurking” Day in the blog world.

For most of us, we rarely have time to comment on a regular basis, and I completely understand that because honestly, I’m just trying to keep my head above water with the laundry load, and rarely comment on other blogs either.

Yet, my favorite part of Balancing Beauty and Bedlam is the community that develops among the commentors, and sometimes, I love the comments way more than what I have written.

So, for one day out of the year, I officially invite all of you to introduce yourself.

I’d love to hear where you are from, how you found me, or why you visit my little corner of the internet – really just anything you want to share – beauty or bedlam. You never know, you might find someone who lives just miles away from you and you can have a meet up because I am sure anyone who reads my space here would make great friends. πŸ™‚

Thank you for de-lurking. I can’t wait to meet you and read every single comment!

If reading this by email or reader, hop on over here to introduce yourself.


  1. My name is Marie Lester I’m an Army wife living in Northern California my husband is from Arkansas and he’s currently stationed in Germany and is home for good in TWO weeks I cannot wait πŸ™‚ after not living with him for two and a half years it seems unreal to have him home! (sorry for that i know it was totally unecessary but I find myself telling whoever I can whenever I can lately lol) I don’t know how I found your blog but I’m glad I did! I always look forward to your posts so helpful and cheerful πŸ™‚


  2. Hi Jen! I’ve been a reader for years, because our blogs have a lot in common. πŸ™‚ I think I met you briefly at the first SB Summit, too. I appreciate your realistic and honest viewpoint- you’ve always got posts I look forwardnto reading.

    I actually think I discovered you through Tasty Tuesday- Hmmm…I heard someone say that they think Pinterest will take the place of linkys- what do you think?


  3. Hi! I’m a college student in Virginia. I’ve only been following your blog for maybe a couple of weeks, because I found it via another blog on my google reader (can’t remember which!) and I’m always looking for blogs that sound interesting to add to my docket so that I always have things lined up to read in between classes or when I’m procrastinating on my homework!


  4. Hi! I’ve been lurking for 2 or 3 years now, and continue to find random bits of helpful tips & links. I really appreciate your honest & transparent approach, and willingness to share when/what you learn.

    I’m a young housewife, married 2 years, currently in Ames, Iowa….learning to balance the bedlam & beauty in married life….to, as Darlene of Hillsongs has said: “live a life poured out”.

    Best wishes for a BLESSED 2012, Jen!


  5. Hello Jen, I am a homeschooling mummy to three young boys (9, 7 and 3) and we live just outside London, England. Not quite in the city, not quite in the country. I have been married for 12 years to a wonderful man and came to motherhood late in life. While filled with joy I have to say that motherhood is the hardest thing I have ever done and so I really appreciate the encouragement, inspiration and practical advice that your blog provides. Thank you so much!


  6. Lynneinnc says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years. I don’t blog, but certainly enjoy yours.
    It’s hard to remember how I found your blog, but GIRL! I am so glad I did.
    Your ideas, tips and recommendations have helped me numerous times over the years. The Frugal Fashionista is great and I’ve found loads of deals at Goodwill and other thrift stores because of your postings and encouragements.
    Our 2011 Christmas celebration included the Marinated Cheese recipe that you blogged about in December — that was a HUGE hit!
    Also, I’ve heard you speak at a state homeschooling conference — great presentation.
    Your advice is always timely for me.
    I hope 2012 is a great year for you and yours.


  7. Hey! I don’t always lurk; I sometimes come out for giveaways and stuff. πŸ™‚ I’m practically 30 (and therefore need to practice saying it), married, no kids yet, working fulltime, working on a masters degree, teaching, and whatever else I can fit in.

    I discovered you through my cousin right before the first 31 days series, took your advice on the Solia flat iron and love it, and really like your frugal fashionista posts.


  8. Hello! I’ve been visiting here for awhile. I don’t know how long or how I found you! lol Maybe through Tasty Tuesday? idk Your thift store fashion is one of my favorite things to read though. πŸ™‚

    I’ve been married almost 2 years and have a 7 month old daughter. I love to read non-fiction, cook/bake, and think the Cinnamon Dulce Latte is the perfect beverage on a cold day. I blog over at Simply Prudent where I inspire homemakers to cultivate prudent simplicity in the heart & home.


    Margaret Reply:

    can I just give you a big Amen on the Cinnamon Dolce Latte! Just finished mine for the day.


  9. Hi. I am Janet. From Ottawa, Canada. Not sure how I found your blog, usually I find new blogs when the ones I like link or recommend each other, so I know it was through that kind of route. And I really enjoyed what I read, so I stayed. Still finding my way around and am enjoying all the older posts that I missed.

    Have a great day! πŸ™‚


  10. Hello! I’m a lurker that reads your blog through RSS. I’ve been reading your blog for around a year or so and I can’t even remember how I came upon it. Commenting is not usually something I do because I get super sidetracked when I leave my RSS reader (i.e. hours pass and I have blog rolled many-a-times). I love your frugal fashionista posts the most! I also love how you show the bedlam moments! I’m 27, from the Kansas City area. Married with 2 cats, 2 dogs and a baby on the way. Keep it up, your blog rocks my face off!


    Jenni Reply:

    @Amy, I’m from the KC area too! πŸ™‚


  11. I’ve been following you for a few years now. I’m sure I found you through another blog’s link. I have three grown daughters and 7 exquisite grandchildren. Though I love your frugal tips, I follow you because of your love for God and family. Thanks you for all you do. Blessings to you and your family.


  12. I’ve been reading for about two and a half years (I think). I post occasionally but not very often. Thanks for the daily reading!


  13. ..I found you by luck/blessing..clicking on from another site. You always have an encouraging word and I love your thrifty tips..quick recipes..and ways to simplify and beautify that are not overly complicated. You are a great cheerleader..a trustworthy gal..a blessing to many!


  14. I’m trying to remember how I stumbled across you. I think it was through your frugal fashionista series. For the past two or three years, I’ve enjoyed reading your wonderful site! Thanks to you for being a blessing to me…and so many others!


  15. I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while; I don’t remember where I first heard about your blog. My favorite posts you write are the ones that are a part of your Frugal Fashionista series.


  16. I cannot remember how I found you but I have been reading on your sight regularly for a couple years. I love your frugal fashionista posts. They have helped me rediscover thrift store shopping. I live in Lancaster Pa and am a wife and mother of 5.


  17. Hi, I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years now, I think I found you through a link on Nesters blog, not really sure though. I remember watching a video you posted on preparing meals for the freezer. I’m married with 4 grown children and 8 beautiful grandchildren and I live in a small town on the Southern Oregon Coast. I rarely comment but do come out occasionally for give-aways. Love reading your blog!


  18. Hi! I really can’t remember how I found you but I am glad I did! I have been reading your blog for a while. My husband and I have been married over 14 years. He was a youth pastor in Dunedin, Florida for about 5 years. Then we were called to be missionaries in Mexico. He has been teaching Youth Ministry classes here for over 8 years. (Can you believe there are 25 million people here in Mexico City and more than half are considered youth and they churches don’t have many paid full time youth pastors!)
    We now have 3 kids ages 6.3 and 18 months. I home school my first grader. In my spare time I love to bake! Many of the students here are always asking what I am baking and want to learn πŸ™‚
    Thanks for all your work on your blog!


  19. Hi! I read your blog ‘cos I just like you, and you’re the kind of person I know I would love to sit down with and chat with in real life. You’ve got that Jesus ooze factor. I find your blog thru Miz Sandy – Reluctant Entertainer who just happens to be a real skin friend as we live in the same town and she was one of the first people that reached out to me after moving here from NZ. Have yourself a great day!


  20. My name is Beverly and I live in Pearland, Tx. Just south of Houston. I discovered you through a link on another blog just recently right about the time I began an austerity binge. You have kept me honest, looking out for the frugal ways of doing things.

    Thanks, Jen!


  21. Honestly, I don’t remember how I happened across your blog but I think it had something to do with working at home which is a big dream of mine. I am a 63yo Christian wife and mother and I enjoy the information you share on your site. I was a single parent to my daughter, Melissa, for almost 20 years (from 10 months old) until I met my wonderful husband online in 2001. It was a whirlwind happening — I wrote him on 31 March, on 19 April he traveled from CA to MO ring in hand, and on 21 June we married. He has a son, Michael Jr (wife Sandra, son Michael III, daughter Alexsandra), and a daughter, Erin (husband David, son Jonas, expecting daughter on Mother’s Day this year). Melissa is married to Josh and they have five fur-babies (Bruno a boxer, Bubba a Chiweenie, Armani a Chihuahua, CoCo a Chihuahua, and Ms Lily a Siamese cat). I love to make all my own greeting cards, read, counted cross-stitch, gourmet cooking, baking, and this year I am going to attempt my first quilt. That’s about it in a nutshell.


  22. I am new to following you, stumbled on your page through Pinterest and liked what I was reading and subscribed. My name is Kim, I work full time with a local county entity & part time with For Every Home I enjoy saving money and learning to live a greener life.


  23. Hi Jen! I love your blog! I found it originally because of your frugal fashionista posts and now I’m a regular reader & contributor to Tasty Tuesday.
    I’m going to search back through your posts on homeschooling, because I just learned from Joy in homeschool bloggers that you’re a CC director. We’re seriously considering CC for our soon-to-be kindergartner and it says a lot to me that you value it highly enough to be a director!


  24. Im not exactly sure how I found you but it possibly was via (In)courage.. or one of the other bloggers who write there too.. I’ve been reading more lifestyle blogs for the last year or two after spending several years following coupon blogs.. Bordon often leads me to the greatest things & places, though Im rarely bored. I call it a blessing. πŸ˜€

    I started (to start) my own blog sometime last year but after several posts, I got too busy reading others blogs & living life to keep it up. I have high hopes that I’ll get after it again, someday. πŸ˜‰

    Im a 50 year old Texas transplanted into Ohio 13 years ago. I love it here in the north and feel like I was meant to be here, since it feels like home to me.
    I work full time outside the home as a technician for a major healthcare company building pre-production, prototypes, & special builds for MRI’s. Its like playing with tinker-toys, and its a lot of fun most of the time .

    I raised 5 kiddos, 2 of my own who are 30 & 28 and 3 step kids who are 27, 25, & 22. I also have a beautiful granddaughter who will be 3 in a few weeks. Time flies..

    I have a zillion hobbies & loves, but most of them have to do with God, the home and family.. gardening, photography, reading, making bath & body products, herbs-both growing & using for culinary as well as medicinal purposes, love fresh God made food, organic & natural living, and food preservation.

    I love your blog cuz it makes me smile, laugh, and think, get great ideas & you love God..These are also a few of my other favorite things. β™₯


  25. Renee Strange says:

    Hello from Louisiana. Although I subscribe to many blogs, I go to yours first, because it’s short and sweet. I can always count on you to bring a smile to my face. Your stories are enjoyable and real, and I can relate to them in so many ways. Your frugal recipes and articles are especially appreciated. So many bloggers have lost sight of what frugal means. Although I have no children, I often think of the wonderful memories your children will have with all the outings and projects you do together. Thanks for all your hard work.


  26. Hi Jen!

    Thanks for all that you do! I have been reading for about a year and found you from your praise services that you posted…love them.

    I am a work as a government crisis communicator and am a mom to my beautiful and sometimes wild 4 adopted special needs children…they are my best part of my day. Married to the love of my life for 16 years. Oh and we have 2 dogs and 3 cats.

    I love your frugal articles…I do the very same and cannot remember the last time I paid full price.

    Thanks again! Giant ND hugs…current temps -7!


  27. Hi, I’m in Alabama, enjoying being a grandma! Your blog is the very first one I came across, and you got me hooked! Now, I follow many blogs, but always look forward to your posts! I guess you could say I am the ultimate lurker, I subscribe thru a reader, so must admit I never leave comments.


  28. Hi from metro Detroit! I don’t recall how I found your blog, but I think it may have had something to do with your frugal fashionista posts, ages ago. I realize that we don’t have much in common! I’m 35 and have two sons (almost 4 years and almost 1 year), and I work full-time as a librarian while my husband stays home. As we just dropped down to one income within the last year, I’m always on the lookout for frugal tips, but I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now. I’ve always been a thrift-store lover, so your blog has just been beautiful preaching to the choir for me–though I wish I had your good fortune more often!


  29. I’m not sure how I found your blog, but I know I got hooked on your frugal fashionista posts. Then I stayed because of your honesty in your writing about your family and frugal living. I live in VA, retired school teacher, wife of an amazing man who knows me so well and loves me anyway, mother of 2, and grandmother to almost 2 (#2 is due in 4 weeks.)


  30. Hi, I’m Margaret and live in Huntsville Alabama. I wandered over here from (in)courage.


  31. Kerri Dahlgren says:

    Hi! I live in Lake City, FL. I’m from SD and my husband is from WI. His job moved us to FL. We are grateful for the job expecially after being unemployed. It’s a hard adjustment to living over 2000 miles from family and everything is so different in the South. After 3 years, I can still feel like a fish out of water! I’m a homeschooling mom of an 8 year old boy. I found your blog through moneysavingmom a few months ago. I love your fashion tips. It’s encouraged me to shop for myself at goodwill, not just for my son! I sing at church and really enjoy you sharing worship and love for the Lord. I also appreciate your honesty and ideas for saving money. Thanks for sharing your life with us!


  32. Hi!

    I’m Miranda from the awesome winter wonderland of Canada :). I’m a fairly new reader though I’ve seen your blog name in the blogasphere for a while now. I just recently linked up to your tasty Tuesday and promptly subscribed by email :). I’m a mommy to a 2 1/2 year old and enjoy reading blogs, finding new recipes, gardening and saving money ;).

    Happy Sunday!


  33. Greetings from southwest Florida – (a real little town south of Sebring – which is NOT a big town, but the largest town that is close to us at about 30 miles away). I’m not sure how I found your blog, but as others have said it had to have been through another blog. I am retired (early) and will be a first time grandmother in June. Living in the small town that I do I don’t have the luck that you do at thrift stores or yard/garage sales – but my husband and I continue to go.


    Lucinda Reply:

    Hi Carol! I’m from the tiny town of Arcadia, I think that almost makes us neighbors πŸ™‚ I’m a 32 year old SAHM of 8 kiddos… I homeschool and have been following this blog for about 2 years now.


    Carol @cdm-arewethereyet Reply:

    @Lucinda, Hi Lucinda – I’m in Lake Placid – so your town is bigger than mine (you actually have a Walmart and a Sonic!). Of course, if you REALLY want to get technical I’m in Placid Lakes – which is even smaller! HaHa! I’m a retired elementary school teacher.


  34. Hi Jenn! I’ve been a reader for quite some time – over a year, I think – and I just love your blog. I’m originally from outside of Philly, but spent the last 7 years in Washington, DC until my husband and I moved near Charlotte, NC this past summer. I read your blog because I love your savings tips and your love for thrifting/yard sales (my mom loved yard sales herself so much). I also like that you seem like a real person. You’re not trying to be 100% perfect – just to be a genuine and fabulous mom to her kids. Keep up the awesome blog!!!


  35. Hi! I try not to totally be a lurker, but it is so easy sometimes! I love reading your blog, thanks for this “opportunity” to introduce myself! I’m recently married, trying to save money, and enjoy life!


  36. Hi Jen, I must admit I am a lurker too! I met you at Becoming, I’m sure you remember me…LOL…not really. It was a wonderful conference, after that is when I started visiting your blog. I blog at I hope you’ll lurk/visit me too!
    Have a great day,


  37. I’m Rachel! I’m a usual-lurker, sometimes-commenter. I hail from the great state of Texas…Houston area. I have 3 boys (almost 11, almost 8, and 5). I like to think of me as the beauty and my boys as the bedlam! Joking of course…I embrace the bedlam because it makes life just so much more interesting!


  38. Hey there! Been following B&B for I guess around two years now. Not quite sure how I found you, but glad I did! I’m 26, married for almost 2 years now. No kids yet, but working to set ourselves up financially so I can stay home with the kids in the future. We live just outside of Chattanooga and I love it here. I appreciate your insight, tips, and encouraging words. Oh, and the web cam I won on your site recently πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  39. Hi! I found your site while googling recipes for homemade applesauce. I tried yours and IT’S AWESOME! My husband and kids love it. I froze some and canned some and it’s delightful! I’m a stay at home Mom of 3 in Door County, WI. Church is big part of our families lives as is living well. I’ve enjoyed the other blogs I’ve read of yours! Keep up the great work. πŸ™‚


  40. HI! I’m Brenda from
    I’ve been blogging only since October and comment occasssionally, but always lurking on your blog and reading many of your fabulous posts and encouragment. I loved your puff pancake recipe and reworked it for myself anad my readers at my suagrfreemom blog.
    I read everyones comments and was so hoping to see someone from New England but alas no one! I’m from the littlest state in the union, RI!!!


  41. Joanna Mooney says:

    Hi there! I found you initially on (in)courage, but now read your site everyday! I love your advice and wisdom and love how real you are. I talk about your site all the time and have led friends there as well.

    At Christmas time my daughter (6 years old) and I watched your folding napkins video and set our table with the napkins in the wine glasses and candy canes hanging from them. We had such a great time doing that together and my table was so pretty and stress free – :).

    I live in Rockford, IL, married for 15 years and have my daughter, Olivia, and a son Fletcher (10).

    THANK YOU THANK YOU for your blog. You have a beautiful family! I feel like we are friends – :).


  42. I’m not even sure how I found you, but I’ve been following for years. I love your frugal finds for fashion. I’m too much of a tomboy so I’m always following along to figure out the girlie stuff on a budget. And I love to cook so the recipes are awesome.

    I’m in Northern California and love following along. Keep up the good work!


  43. Hello I have been following your blog for about six months time and I really enjoy it. I live in Dayton, Tennessee. I am married (19 years) and have a daughter who is 17 and a son 12. I enjoy your Godly take on your blog. Also I am always looking for ways to save money. God bless you and hope you have a great 2012.


  44. I live in Huntsville, Alabama, and have following your blog for several years, so long in fact I don’t remember where I first heard about you. I’m married and don’t have kids, but still benefit from all your beauty and bedlam. I definitely cook differently (both in bulk and ahead of time), and look at thrift store/yard sale shopping differently and try to envision all that that random item could be. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us!


  45. Hello from Jonesboro, Arkansas! Love your blog and like many others, I can’t remember how I found your blog. Love all your posts, especially the ones about your boys. I have an 8 year old and a 15 year old. Did I just say that? Can’t believe they are so old. What am I saying, I can’t believe I’m this old. Oh, well, just trying to keep my head above water and my checkbook in the black. Thanks for all the wonderful tips and stories!


  46. Hi I’m Jennifer! I heard you speak at the Becoming conference and added your blog to my feed reader after that. I live in Kentucky and have two kids – 3 year old daughter and 1 1/2 year old son. My husband is in the ministry, and I stay home with our kids – and try to spend as little money as we can! Thanks for your blog.


  47. Hi~ I live in metro Kansas City, and have read you for 2- or 3 years. I don’t have a blog, but love to read your tips. I think I found you & a link to your blog when we were in the middle of a 3 year unemployment/under-employment time in our life. I homeschool my kids (16 & 11) and just graduated the oldest (19). I do love the fashion tips, between your ideas & my teenage daughters’ opinions I’ve cleaned out my closet and only have items that fit & are flattering. Just because I homeschool, that doesn’t mean I have to look like I do. πŸ™‚

    Please post a video about ways to tie the square scarves! I have a bunch of them from dead relatives & would love to wear them, but don’t know how to. πŸ™‚


  48. Hi Jen! I’m not really a lurker, just not very chatty! Lol! I’ve been following your blog for 2+years. I have 5 kiddos as well, so your posts have been quite an encouragement to me. Thank you for all the great tips and for being such a blessing to so many!


  49. Hi Jen! I found your blog when it was highlighted in the Northwest Observer and I realized that I had met you when our sons played football together (it has been about 6 years ago…he only played football for one year). Anyway, I love your ideas for saving money. I also admire your transparency! But most of all I love that you point others to Jesus! Keep up the great work!


  50. For some reason, my post has a picture of my husband…


  51. What fun! Loved reading through the comments.

    I’m a partial lurker- meaning that I actually do occasionally comment on here. I think I found your blog via MSM and that was probably 2-3 yrs. ago. I love the variety of things you post and how your heart comes through. I also love how you share the bedlam with no pretense.

    I’m a the wife of a wonderful man who loves me well and am stay at home mom to two little ones- a 3 yr. old and a newborn. We live in Lancaster, Pa.

    I have a money saving blog over at and I thought you might be interested in knowing that I put you on my blogroll- I love you that much. πŸ™‚ Oh and one more thing. You blogged for a while about being more of a “yes mom” and I think of that often when my son wants to do something that I am tempted to say no because it will be too messy, too time-consuming etc. Your words come back to me and I often find myself saying yes and making memories that I will never regret. So thank you!


  52. Hi Jen! I found your blog last year through the 31 days series, but I really started following you after I heard you speak this summer at the Becoming Conference. You said so many things that really hit home for me! I love your frugal living posts, and really enjoyed hearing you speak about making meaningful traditions. I am a stay at home mom of a 5 year old daughter. I also have a 17year old step daughter. I live in Chapin, SC.

    Thanks for all you do!

    p.s. I helped you carry your breakfast to the conference center one morning at Ridgecrest. πŸ™‚


  53. Hi,
    I’m Kellie. I can’t remember how I found you, I’ve just started reading/following blogs this fall. We’re currently living in So Cal, but are orginally from Minnesota. I’m a stay at home mom to 2 school-aged children (one boy, one girl).
    Thank you!


  54. Hi Jen! I’m in London, Ontario and I have no idea how I found you. I’ve been lurking, I mean reading for about 2 years and I alweays look forward to your posts. I am a stay at home mom of three and I blog about staying on budget and living on the lane. I just started my blof this year!


  55. Hi! I love your blog! It’s full of common sense…and it seems to me that there’s precious little of that around these days. Does it sound like I’m a senior citizen? I am. I live in IL, have been retired for almost 7 years, took care of my mother for the first 3 years, then I compiled a cookbook of family recipes, and now I just like to mess around on the computer…I wouldn’t call it lurking…I’d call it visiting. My husband is still working, we have 2 married daughters who have given us 3 grandsons. (love!) I LOVE to cook and am currently focusing on healthy, low sugar and low salt meals for me and my husband. (Of course, I can’t tell him that or the picky eater that his mother created will rear his whining head. πŸ™‚ I don’t know if I’ve ever left you a message before, but I leave messages whenever the spirit moves me. I decided that now that getting older, I’m entitled to speak out if I want to, don’t you agree? Keep up the good work! I look forward to your intelligence, frugality and opinions very much! πŸ™‚


  56. I am from a very small town in north central Texas (about an hour north of Dallas. I am married and have two sons who are 25 and 23. My older son is married to a wonderful young lady.

    I THINK I started reading your blog during 31 Days 2010. I particularly enjoy the Frugal Fashionista series.


    KimH Reply:

    @Bonnie, Just curious Bonnie, are you from Gainesville? Thats where I spent my teens thru 30s.


    Bonnie Reply:

    No, I’m from Gunter, which is south of Sherman.


  57. Hi there~I’m not sure how I stumbled across your blog but I definitely enjoy reading it! I live in San Diego with my husband and 3 yr old son. I sometimes wish I had the time to write a blog but since I don’t I just get to enjoy reading blogs like yours. Thank you for the time and effort you put into it!


  58. Hi Jen! Been reading your blog for a couple of years and I can’t remember exactly how I found you. But, boy am I glad I did. I am a mom of three, aged 13, 10 and 7. I live in west Texas and am the worship leader at our church. I have looked to your blog for inspiration and encouragement and you have never disappointed!! Thanks for all you do and know that this mom is truly thankful for your sharing “beauty and bedlam” from your heart!!


  59. It has been long enough ago that I found you that I can’t remember how I did it. I really appreciate the information you share with us and the recipes. I am from Ham Lake, Minesota. I enjoy the fashions you share with us and all the great ideas. Thank you for all that you do and share with us.


  60. I’m not a lurker, but this is how I found you. When I first started reading blogs it was for $$$ saving and couponing. And I had the wonderful surprise that a lot of you were Christians!! I continued to read and you’ve all become my new friends. Problem is most of you are southerners and I’m in CT. Though through Etsy I did find a Christian woman who makes beautiful jewelry, about a mile away. I commented recently on your beautiful music and how large your church is tot me. You can see mine at Your stage is probably the size of our sanctuary, LOL, And when I don’t get to church, like today-my lungs don’t like 0 with wind-you are part of my worship. Love the thrifting, crafting, sisterhood.


  61. Hi! I really enjoy reading Balancing Beauty and Bedlam. I live in Albuquerque, NM with my hubby and my daughter and son who are two and a half and four months.


  62. Hi, I’m Linda. I’m from north Texas. I’m a home-schooling mom to my daughter, she is a senior this year. I have an older son also. I love being a sahm.I try to be as close to a Proverbs 31 wife as I can be. I have been married 35 years. I can’t remember how I found your blog. I have been reading it for quite a while. I don’t blog but love learning from others that do.


  63. Hi Jen, I have been reading your blog for about 6 months or so and came across it somehow when reading about thrift store fashions. I LOVE buying second hand. I am a married mom to two school-aged kids, live outside of Raleigh, and am a middle school teacher. I love the Frugal Fashionista posts and also enjoy your decorating tips. I appreciate most your honesty in your pictures; sometimes the perfect pictures online and in magazines make me feel inept. Thanks for the reality and the Christian outlook. So refreshing.


  64. Hi Jen,
    I have been reading your blog for about 2 years now. I started when I discovered all the blogging ladies out there ready to help me find ways to save money. My oldest was starting college, and I have 10 more at home. We live in Southeastern CT, were prior military, but now settled. I love your enthusiasm for thrift store fashions, and it has helped me and my girls enjoy it more. (8 girls, 3 boys, btw). It is nice to read cheerful things and know we are all on this journey together. We don’t have a way to socialize at quilting bees or the community well, so this is a great way to meet up along the way. Thank you!!


  65. Hi Jen,

    I have been “lurking” for almost a year now! πŸ™‚ I am from Oregon, but have been living in Hong Kong with my husband and two boys for the past five years. I found your blog when I was looking at improving my wardrobe. I’ve really enjoyed all your posts and pictures on frugal fashion and look forward to all the other posts as well. We will be moving to TN this summer so I’m looking forward to putting all the “deals” advice you give to use. Have a wonderful day!


    Jen Reply:

    WOW! Hong Kong? The life changing stories you and your children must have…


  66. Hi Jen.
    My name is Bette Jo…I am almost ready to retire, have raised my family…and am a avid blogger of about 4 or 5 years. You make it much eaiser for us. A year or so ago you posted about Pinterest and I couldn’t remember what you had called it…but finally found it thru someone else…but now I am not only still loving blogging…I love Pinterest almost as much..
    I feel like I really know you after just being a lurker on your blog for 3 years or so. I have learned tons of things from your site…and agree with your way of doing things 100%. When I raised my children…that is how I did it also…
    I live in Northern California, [Yreka] and discovered your site through another blogg. I get your blogg on my email each day…and you are on my google Reader and Home page. So anyplace I go on my computer you are there.
    I have tried several of your recipes…used the Christmas cheese one /with Italian dressing [it was a hit] for Christmas eve dinner. Most of the other ones look great and I occassionally try them…even if it is just for my husband and I.
    Thank you for your postitive example of what a woman should be nowadays…you are a strong pillar in this world of women that have many doubts on how they should live…
    Hugs & Prayers,
    Bette Jo
    Bonnie Jo’s Mom (My oldest daughter, gone too soon)
    CHapter Leader Siskiyou County # 2089
    The Compassionate


    Jen Reply:

    Thank you, Bette Jo, for your kind words. πŸ™‚


  67. mary ellen says:

    Hi Jen–I live in Tucson, Arizona and have been enjoying your blog for a couple years now. My favorite posts are Frugal Fashionista and your awesome recipes. I feel like you are a kindred spirit. Thanks for all that you do!


  68. Greetings! I am Regina from Beach Park, IL. I can’t remember from which blog I found you nor how long I have been lurking on your blog. I am relatively new to any blogs, perhaps my first was early fall. I very much enjoy your creative mind and wisdom. Thanks for sharing your life and time.


  69. Bethany B. says:

    I found your blog towards the middle of last year and immediately added it to my reader! I’m a stay at home mom and particularly enjoy your segments on dressing nice but frugally. Thank you for sharing all you do!


  70. Marie in Va says:

    Hi Jen!
    I’ve been following your blog for the last year. (Love it!!) I am the mother four children, Two are grown, one is on college and one in high school. My husband is retired military and we live in Northern Virginia. Thank you for your great tips and recipes!


  71. Hi. I am a mother of 4 living in Northern Alberta Canada with my hubby, our dogs and cats and 2 kids still living at home. I love to craft but quilting is my “addiction”. I love reading your blog via email as that is usually what I have time for. LOVE Pinterest too and often spend too much time on that!
    Thanks for your very enjoyable, informative blog!


  72. Hi Jen! Just found your website, and really like your ideas. I am a homeschooling mother of 9, and have some things in common with you. I’ve been a thrift store shopper since high school, and love garage sales. I rarely buy anything brand-new. Love scarves, cute secondhand clothes, healthy meals. Thanks for all of your ideas! You are very inspiring and encouraging!


  73. Hello from the western end of Kentucky – very western end! I can get to Illinois in less than 20 minutes and Missouri & Tennessee in a little over 30 minutes. I live out in the country – but it’s only 13 – 18 miles into “town”. When my hubby, son and I moved this far out 7 years ago my father thought I would never survive – even though my son goes to a Christian school in another town 15 miles the other direction – and I drove him to & from school so I was in town every day LOL. Definitely not a nature girl (my best friend bought me a sign that says “High Maintenance Doesn’t Even Begin to Cover It!”), but somewhere along the way, I have changed enough that I’ve actually gone to town wearing jeans & a hoodie with no makeup on. :O

    I’m not sure how I found your blog a couple of years ago, probably linked from another blog. I subscribe via Google Reader and you’re one of the very fist ones I read every time I log in! I do delurk in order to comment occasionally! πŸ™‚ I love your Frugal Fashionista posts the most, but your Personal Finance post have probably been what I most needed! I love the Godly focus of your blog and find inspiration in the way you so openly share the real aspects of your life – good, bad or ugly ! πŸ™‚

    I’m really hoping to be able to make it to Becoming this September. My best friend and I have started trying to save because we think it will be an excellent girls’ getaway! Thanks so much for letting us into your world!


    Jen Reply:

    Wendy – I sure hope you can come. It is so wonderful to meet people face to face. (And I can relate to the long, drive, country living. ;))


  74. Hi, I am from The San Francisco Bay Area. I am married and the mom of two daughters,one in college and one in high school. I have been reading your blog for awhile, maybe first with tasty Tuesday and now follow along. Kudos to you.


  75. Hi Jen, I found you over a year ago on (in) courage. I chose to look at your blog because of the name…”bedlam” caught my attention. I was most delighted to find the recipe for Milk Rice and I shared with you that I’d had it for the first time in Israel and loved it.
    I’m a missionary wife and the Lord has rocked my world & changed heart these last few years. Once He called us to Israel and beyond I found myself in the “fast lane” and in “bootcamp” for what lay ahead. I’ve just returned from Jerusalem where I attended and graduated from the Goodwill Ambassador Academy. My love for Israel and the people run DEEP so I am happily sharing with groups when I can.
    My youngest graduates this year; I have two more adult children and two gr-babies. I’ve homeschooled and lived to tell the tale; I’m a business owner; love singing with the worship team, discipleship, photography, small towns and learning to blog. Find me @


    Jen Reply:

    How He has called your heart to Israel is amazing. May we all hear a passionate calling that strong.


  76. Hi Jen! I have been reading your blog for over a year now. I love seeing how you turn ordinary objects into beautiful decorations. I am not good at decorating, so I’m always glad for your inspiration. Like you, I love the thrill of the hunt when it comes to second hand shopping. I made a commitment 7 months ago to purchase all of our clothing second hand. It is so satisfying to see my family well dressed for a fraction of the cost. You offer so much on your blog and I truly enjoy reading what you have to say. Finally, thank you for being “real” about the bedlam in your life, this transparent quality is encouraging to all of us who are struggling to make it through each day. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us!


  77. Hi Jen! I’ve commented here several times before. I especially enjoy your frugal fashion posts. Here’s more information about me and the blogs I write for.

    I’m a blogger on three different blogs for my full-time job, which is being a writer and editor for ACCE, a company that produces financial education books. The Inspired Budget offers helpful hints about living well and stretching your money. It is an outreach that is linked to a Bible study we produced called Money & Faith in Motion.

    We also have two new fledgling blogs,

    We wrote a book, Start Right: Build Your Own Business, with an awesome business consultant. It’s a workbook that walks people through the process of starting a business, and our offers tips for people who want to or who are running their own small businesses. The Money & Faith in Motion blog offers more ideas and inspiration for living well, living simply and living biblically. I hope you and your readers will stop by, “delurk” and say hello!


  78. I’ve been reading the blog for a couple of years now! I read several related blogs (Money Saving Mom, Southern Savers, (in)Courage, etc) and probably discovered it through one of them. I’m not a mom, but have been on the adventure of marriage for close to 2 years now. I love your practical tips and your honesty about when things are not perfect. I am very type A, so it’s refreshing to be reminded that’s not always how it has to be. πŸ™‚ I coupon, but not obsessively, and LOVE thrift store shopping! I blog about my life, recipes, and deals over at


  79. Hi Jen! I’m Mary, from South Texas. I discovered your web-site via a link on another blog. The tips on economic and convenience cooking for the family got me hooked on your web-site. I also found I looked forward to your fashionista and home decorating posts. The lessons I’ve really learned? After having lived the professional woman life, eventually coming home to homeschool and graduate our two children, you’ve helped convince me, my true role is being the keeper of the home, making it a refuge and being a good steward of God’s blessings. Interestingly enough, I’ve found the Lord puts in front of me exactly what we need at just the right time! Thanks for your blog!


  80. Hi! I’m a teacher in my twenties, married but no kids yet and I live in Helsinki, Finland. I think I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and I probably came here through the Nesting Place, though I don’t remember how exactly πŸ™‚ I started reading the Frugal Fashionista posts first and then I noticed that you have a lot of other interesting topics as well. I like your writing style, your honesty (sharing the bedlam moments as well the photogenic ones) and your mix of topics (decorating and diy, food, family traditions, frugality, faith etc.). It’s also interesting to read about everyday life in a another culture: many things are similar but some traditions/customs etc. are different and it’s fun to learn about them. It’s also fun to read about the traditions you’re coming up with for your own family. Thank you for blogging!


  81. Jen, I found your blog through another just over the Christmas holidays. I love everything about your blog – thrifts, DIY, frugal fashion. I am a homeschooling Mum of 5, 3 of which have very special needs and your blog is my recess!!! Thank you


  82. Hi, I’m bridget. I’ve been reading your blog sporadically for a couple years but regularly for about a month. love the frugal fashionista posts. i live in huntsville, al.


  83. I’m almost 49, married 20 yrs., mother of 6, ages 19-4. I’m born and raised in So. Cal, but transplanted to Colorado 4 yrs. ago. My hubby makes more than enough to support us well, but we almost never buy retail. Thrift stores and yard sales rock! I found you through another blog and yours has stayed a favorite as many others have fallen by the wayside.


  84. Hi, I’m Carrie. I found you while looking for recipes one day, and was led to Tasty Tuesday. So, I’ve been following you as a “regular person”, and more recently in the last year as a blogger. My favorite thing about your blog is your Frugal Fashion. I, too, enjoy fashion bargain hunting, am thrilled when the new GoodWill opened in my town last month. I’m a mom of three~~9 year old twin boys and a 2 year old daughter. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, who is a pastor/cars salesman {yea, long story there}.


  85. I visit your blog everyday. It’s one of my favorites. I love how real you are and you allow
    yourself to be vulnerable. You show yourself and your family in a very authentic way. I
    think you share your faith in a way that brings others closer to God. I think you are a good
    steward of what God has given you and encourage others to be also.You do so in a manner that is humble and full of grace.I am grateful for your blog.Thank you for sharing.


  86. Hi; I’m Debbie and I enjoy reading your blog. I am a blogger myself at Heart Choices. I love to read and cook and I love children. Although I am not a mom, I work in a private school teaching little children. Thank you for sharing on your blog. So many of the recipes and resources have been so helpful to me.



  87. Hey Jen,
    I’m from South Texas and I came to your blog years ago from a link from Money Saving Mom. I homeschool my 6 children and will be graduating my oldest this spring….yikes! Thanks for the encouragement that you offer through your blog. I’m sure you’ll never know how much you’ve touched others.


  88. hi, I’m Vera and I live in Budapest, Hungary. I have two small daughters and I’m a PhD candidate (English poetry). I’ve found your blog in 2009 when you did the 31days series (via The Nester, I think), and I’m following you ever since! I really enjoy reading lifestyle/mom blogs from different countries, so many similarities and so many differences. πŸ™‚


  89. Hi,
    Found the blog through Pinterest a few months back, from a recipe I believe.

    Originally from Texas, now living in Vermont.

    Fave part of blog – recipes, frugal fashionista, as well as thrifting repurposing items


  90. Hi! I’m Nicole and I write a blog for single moms and others who want to turn their lives in new directions. Being frugal is such a motivational game for me that I LOVE this blog because of all of the new ideas I’m learning about saving a dime. This year, I’m FINALLY going to buy a town home (and I’ve been saving up for it for years!). I’ll be documenting the journey in my blog to give other women hope that they can acheive their dreams as well.


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