June 1, 2024

Understanding our Laundry Personalities


A few weeks back, I shared my cold, harsh reality of laundry

Your responses ranged from compassion, understanding, and acceptance, to down right depression for my dismal state of laundry despair.

It was fun to read through the comments as many of us commiserated on our laundry woes, but also united on our love of all things beautiful about organized laundry rooms. Yes, many of us found those brought us to our happy place.

I think if we took a survey on how women attack their laundry mountain, the results would reveal many interesting things. I have the distinct feeling that how we deal with our laundry chores would reveal our vast personalities.

The women who can’t go to bed unless all laundry is folded completely and away on a daily basis are definitely the ones you want to turn to when you have a To Do list which needs to be completed. Most likely, they are the ones who can solve problems quickly and efficiently. We can take lessons from them on folding clothes perfectly, organizing drawers by color, and probably even ironing everything.

For those that have their clothes clean, but have no problem leaving them for days in baskets (or on the coach), they are the ones you turn to when you want to be spontaneous. Most likely, they are a party waiting to happen and would love nothing else than to drop what they are doing, and go have some fun. They may be procrastinators by nature, but also excellent multi-taskers on many levels. They are visionaries and easy to be around.These are the ones who never knew people actually iron their underclothes.

Now, this is all very unscientific, I tell you, but it sure would be fun to implement this sometime, and dive into how close the results fall to reality. Of course, there would need to be a few more personality types besides these two, but you get the idea.

One thing I know for sure is that laundry elicits strong feelings from us all, but it is something we all need to do, so why not do it well.

I loved switching out my liquid detergent for the Arm & Hammer Crystal Burst Power Pak Laundry Detergent because it was so easy for the kids.

Our children do a lot of the laundry themselves. Early on, I was tired of the “Mom, I don’t have any socks” quandary, so they learned from a young age to do loads themselves. Even our eight year old can do the laundry from start to finish. Now, trust me, they are in process and still try to get out of it. Just this week, our eighteen year old was hunting through the clean laundry complaining he couldn’t find his shirt, but fortunately, I reminded him how he can give that machine a whirl with the best of them, so he doesn’t get away with that anymore.

I found that the power paks, as opposed to having to measure anything, is very easy and cost effective. With liquid, the kids always love filling it right to the Max fill line, even if it’s not necessary. With the power paks, they just throw them in and you have the combined power of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda with the stain fighting power of Oxi Clean all in one.

Now, if I can just find something that folds and puts the laundry away, laundry chores would be pretty close to “perfect.”

So, what do you think about my Laundry Personality analysis?

Do you think how we attack our laundry chores mirrors our real life personalities?

What would yours be?

I’d love to know your thoughts.

The maker of ARM & HAMMER® products challenged me to switch to ARM & HAMMER Crystal Burst Power Paks Laundry Detergent and this summer, they are giving away $12,000 in the ARM & HAMMER Switch & Save Challenge Sweepstakes. To be entered to win one (1) of twelve (12) $1,000 prizes, simply reply to the question below!

Remember to join other ARM & HAMMER Switch & Save conversations for even more chances to win!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Arm & Hammer. The opinions and text are all mine. Official Sweepstakes Rules.


  1. Well, this is interesting. Forty-seven years ago I married a man who was (is) obsessive-compulsive (my analysis and sometimes his). He liked for things to be very neat. He liked for his freshly ironed shirts to have their top and third buttons fastened. He liked his socks to be rolled and tucked one inside the other. Well, I’ve been folding the laundry neatly and buttoning those shirts for so long that I don’t really know what I would be doing if I had not married him. It is so much a part of me now to be neat that I can’t imagine being any other way. But is it really me? I don’t know. But I like it. 🙂


  2. Doing laundry as we speak…and trying out the arm & hammer paks for the first time. Hopefully, they will work as well for us as for your family. :0)


  3. I agree with the laundry personalities–definitely a place where different personality types show up! I’m in between. I like the laundry clean and folded, but I get stuck at putting it away. I’m like that in other areas too–I sometimes struggle with finishing one task before getting distracted and going on to something else. I’m SO glad I’m not the only one who struggles with laundry, so thanks for being open and sharing!


  4. I’m with Diana. I have no trouble doing the laundry, but the putting-away part is difficult. It will typically sit in the laundry basket for days if not a full week before I’ll put it away, and I’ll just pick what I need out of it as I need it. And that’s several baskets’ worth…2 for my kids, 2 for me and my husband. I call it lazy, although I do like the idea of blaming it on my laundry “personality”!

    And I do the exact same thing with the dishes. I’ll load them all day long, but putting them away will take a day or two!


    Abby Reply:

    @Abby, Yes, Jen…this is your friend Abby. 🙂


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