May 17, 2024

Doctored Up Snickers Cupcakes (with cake mix)


Over the last few months, I have had to make a lot of cupcakes. With every thing from graduations to bridal showers to “Welcome to America” gatherings, there’s been a desire for the beauty that only a decorated cupcake brings to a festive food tablescape.

While whipping up a batch of homemade cupcake mix is not rocket science, it’s still a science.  Measuring the dry ingredients requires precision, and in my spirit of 31 Days of Good enough Things, I want to introduce you to the beauty of doctoring up your store bought cake mixes.

Recently, I asked on my facebook page if people were open to serving Doctored up Cake Mixes at a celebration like a shower, and it was split down the middle. Some were purists when it came to their cakes, while others were clamoring for more details. When I used doctored cake mixes, I also make homemade frosting, since that is so easy and really sets it up as special.

For years, I have never made a box cake mix by following the directions, so when you read the directions, remember that you are putting behind the box directions and using these instead. Sometimes I add sour cream or pudding mix or butter instead of oil, or even a pinch of mayo of deep, rich moisture (don’t knock it til you try it.) With the box mixes having all the essentials measured, it’s hard to mess up your cakes and adding something a bit extra makes it oh, so yummy, and not one person will ever guess it’s only semi homemade.

This works with any flavor of cake mix and I will add my recipe for doing vanilla cupcakes as well, but for my Snicker’s Cupcakes, I choose to use Chocolate Cake mix, and added some instant coffee to deepen the flavor. Since I served these for a bridal shower, I knew the ladies would appreciate that hint of flavor, but I don’t recommend it for a five year old’s birthday party, unless you are raising a generation of coffee experts. 😉

31days buttons bbb wide DIY: Old Headboard Into New Welcome Sign

Read the rest of my 31 Days of Good ‘enough” Things by clicking here, and don’t miss the launch of 10 Minute Dinners.

I’m tackling 31 Days towards 10 Minute Dinners over at my new site.


  1. The cupcakes sound decadent! Can’t wait to try them. Could you post the almond buttercream frosting? Thank you and have a fantastic day!


    Jen Reply:

    Oh yes – I’ll get it up tomorrow. The cupcake recipe is supposed to link to it. haha


    Marilyn Reply:

    Thank you Jen! Looking forward to getting the frosting recipe!


    Jen Reply:

    @Marilyn, Hi Marilyn –

    I posted the frosting recipe. 🙂


    Marilyn Reply:

    Hi Jen,
    Where can I find the frosting recipe? Thank you so much for your blog. My daughter who goes to Westover told me about your blog. It is great and has so much helpful information.


  2. Yum, these look delicious! Regular cupcakes are great on their own, but these jazzed up ones look absolutely decadent. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂


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