May 17, 2024

Christmas Chocolate Mice (Sweet Treat Recipe for anytime of the year)


“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”

Well, maybe those mice aren’t pitter-pattering in your house, but in ours they sure are…

Our Children’s choir concert reception stirred when these adorable Chocolate Mice were presented, and although these were pipped with holly for the Christmas season, they sure would be cute any time of year.I mean who doesn’t love a chocolate mouse?

They are a conversation starter on any holiday plate, but unfortunately, they were gone in minutes. You can see why.

This is one of those recipes that’s more fun to make with a friend or your children. They are so simple, yet takes a bit of worth while extra time.


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  1. Oh, I just cant hardly stand it.. (love that lingo!! haha)

    The ideas you come up with for Christmas cuties is just too much! And so simple!! I love, love, love it!! Thanks so much for the adorable inspiration!


  2. These are so cute. My daughters just finished performing in The Nutcracker and these would have made a cute gift for the “mice” on our list.

    I think I might just make some anyway…


  3. These are so adorable and I’m sure pretty tasty too!


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