May 17, 2024

Embracing the Sweet Moments of Bedlam



Even though I coined the name of my blog, Balancing Beauty and Bedlam, over four years ago, not a week goes by when I don’t chuckle at just how much that delicate balance occurs in our home.

Last year, during one rare, incredibly quiet week, when I was feeling awfully good about myself, I mentioned to my hubby, “You know, honey, the older the kids get, the less bedlam that occurs on a regular basis.”

Well, word of caution. Never, ever say anything like that or “Murphy” will visit you with all out abandon and he did.

The very next day, and that entire week: PURE bedlam.

Sometimes, it’s important to be in tune to the crazy, chaotic things that happen in ones home, which most people don’t share. In fact, I think embracing those moments makes life fun. It’s good to laugh at one self in the midst of the chaos and with that mentality; I receive a lot of enjoyment from our home.

Because let’s face it, that’s the reality of our life and on most days, it’s just not a “pinnable” one.

Enjoying the bedlam moment allows those beautiful ones to be that much more special.

Over the last month, I have hosted quite a few large gatherings and it never fails that I have my share of bedlam moments that occurs with my own flare of hospitality.

Clorox came out with their new Ick-tionary which helps us all laugh and commiserate to life’s icky situations.

I hate admitting just how much I can relate to their definition of Spillates: Stretching exercises that tone muscles and improve flexibility when you’re wiping up spills under tables and on counter tops.

My Easter brunch kicked off on a beautiful NC spring day. As I dreamt of our 30 guests sipping punch on our new front porch, I hurried and scurried to get everything ready. They started piling in the kitchen as I was gathering up the last of my ingredients for a special punch recipe I was concocting on the fly.

My helpful daughter dumped the frozen juice concentrate into the beverage dispenser per my request, while I multi tasked by greeting, hugging and pouring a 2 liter of soda into the punch mixture all at the same time.

Of course, I never looked down while I was dumping because I know a key component of a good conversation is direct eye. 😉

“Mom, mom, the opening isn’t closed. Stop, it’s going everywhere,” precious daughter screeched.

Pouring out in a steady stream all over the floor was my punch. With 2 liter in hand, I dashed to close the spout, but in doing so, I didn’t think about the open soda bottle in my other hand. Focused solely on closing the beverage container, my arms went wild, and the entire time I had been spraying soda in multiple directions throughout the kitchen making even more of a mess.

After screaming a few times and sarcastically muttering, “Welcome to our wonderful Easter brunch,” I ran for the Clorox Clean up cleaner with bleach, (we SO needed it with red punch everywhere), snagged paper towels (yes, an entire roll, plus some cloth towels), and chuckled while guests and host alike all wiped up the stickiness . I do believe I continued to mutter, “Unbelievable, only me. Only me.”

You have never seen so much sticky mess. Guests didn’t know if they should laugh or help, but really, they did both. Yes, I hosted the best ever Spillates session ever known: up down, up down, up down.

As I look back, situations like that actually put guests at ease, or so I continue to tell myself. It shows that hospitality isn’t only for the picture perfect hostesses, but for those who embrace both the beauty and bedlam of life.

Isn’t that what it’s truly about? Our Life giving times together?

As I browse the photo, I’m fairly certain that my punch flying episode brings back nothing but warm memories to their heart.

We’re in this together: mess and all, even if people don’t always share their bedlam, it’s there.

Count on it!

Sometimes we just need to keep laughing when things like that occur and I’ve started my Dealing with Messy Moments pinterest board just for that reason: to keep chuckling at my reality. 🙂

Tell me about one of your life’s icky moments for a chance to win $250 to treat the mouth wiping, floor sweeping, counter cleaning mom in your life!

Visit to learn the new language for ick and how Clorox® cleaning and laundry products can help you tackle the next icky situation in your home, play games and win coupons while supplies last!

This post is brought to you by The Clorox Company. I have partnered with them to spread the word about Clorox’s Ick-tionary program. To share Ick-tionary terms and real life messes, visit []. All opinions and stories are my own. Official Sweepstakes Rules

Join Jen for 5 days of how to overcome your hospitality woes and just open the door.

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