May 17, 2024

Easy Breakfast Skillet (Freezer Ready for Rushed Mornings)


This easy breakfast skillet is one of our family favorites. Make extras and freeze for breakfast throughout the week.

As our children woke to the delicious aroma of a hot, home cooked breakfast, they stumbled down the stairs to their choice of eggs, sausage, hash browns, french toast and fruit salad.

As the candles flicker, their sweet spirits slowly rise to time around the table, and they once again are reminded of my love for them.

Such bliss, but then I wake up from my delightful dream, realize I over slept, lunch hasn’t been packed, our son needs to be out the door in ten minutes, and he hasn’t even showered.

That’s more in line with my morning reality. Breakfast is an issue when one is constantly rushed, yet in our house, it’s pretty critical that I get something substantial made for our 285 pound football guy and an easy granola bar on the run doesn’t always cut it. (Note: sometimes, it does. :))

Freezer Meal Breakfast Skillet - so easy and delicious

I waitress-ed my way through high school and college at a restaurant up north called Baker’s Square. I won’t get sidetracked with the details of their 35 different pies and cakes, but one recipe idea that I’ve used every since were their amazing breakfast skillets.

With tons of varieties to choose from, I soon realized there was no “secret.”  It basically entailed throwing your favorites into the skillet and call it an amazing day. We actually served them all day, so this is perfect when you want breakfast for dinner, which is always a hit in our home.

My kids love when I whip up a big batch of baked potatoes at dinner time because they know that means that breakfast skillets are on the next day’s agenda. I purposely bake lots of extra potatoes, JUST for this and better yet, once you’ve made up your breakfast skillet, you can portion the left overs into freezer bags for quick and easy, yet hearty breakfasts throughout the week.

Freezer Ready Breakfast Skillet - so yummy and delicious!

Again, you do not need a recipe. You recipe followers, trust me on this.

If you are using onions or peppers, begin by sauteing your veggies in a little olive oil (or bacon grease – YUM), then add your diced (baked/cooked) potatoes and fry them until they start goldening up. (Our family loves them crispier, so it takes a bit longer and requires additional oil.) Make sure to add your favorite seasoning salt and pepper to taste. Add any additional ingredients. Anything goes. It just depends on your cravings that morning. 🙂

For the eggs, you have an option based on if you want them scrambled or sunny side up.  For scrambled, move some of the potatoes to the side and start cracking eggs right in with all the other ingredients. It’s ok if it gets on the potatoes, just start stirring them until fully cooked.  Note my pictures above. This was just a sausage, cheese, hash brown and egg skillet, but you can see all the eggs are just mixed into the ingredients.

If you would prefer the eggs on top, then just use a separate skillet and make them sunny side up (or your preference) and top your skillet with the eggs.

There are two ways that I freeze my breakfast skillet.

If I have made a huge batch and have leftovers, I will portion everything right into the freezer bag. When I am ready to make it,  I just thaw and dump the mixture into my skillet with some oil. As you can see above,  if I just have hash browns, I also will crack the raw egg into the freezer bag and freeze. I started doing this when I realized that we were out of eggs halfway through making hash browns.

This freezer option is a great way to get kids cooking in the kitchen. Since the prep work of chopping and dicing has been done, they can take ownership of making their own breakfast by just warming it up in the skillet.

Are you ready to EAT??

Here are a few easy skillet options to get your creative juices flowing. 

Our family favorite (minus the tomatoes and peppers for one son.)

Ham, bacon, onions, garlic, green peppers, tomatoes, onions, seasoning salt and melted Monterey Jack and Cheddar cheese

Southwest Skillet: Onions, Jalapeno Peppers, Tomato, Garlic, Avocado, Bacon, Monterey Jack Cheese, Salsa

Supreme Meat Lovers: (yes, dinner in a skillet)

A whole lot of everything. Ham, Bacon (use my oven method), sausage, Turkey, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Tomatoes, Onions and melted Cheddar cheese.

Veggie Skillet

Mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, onions and melted Cheddar cheese.

Italian Sausage Skillet

Spicy Italian sausage slices over grilled green peppers and onions, shredded mozzarella cheese and marinara sauce.

Hickory Skillet

Hickory-smoked bacon and onions topped with melted Cheddar cheese.

How do I fit my Mentor Mom Series into this?

Trust me, easy sanity savers for the morning are some of the best tips I can share, so here are a few of my other easy ROCK STAR, homemade  breakfasts. 🙂

Additional Suggestions for those Rushed Morning Meals

Egg and Cheese Puffs – these are made in a muffin tin and are a great protein for elegant brunches, as well as grabbing for the car ride. Make sure you cook the bacon in the oven. 🙂

Breakfast Burritos – make a bunch ahead of time and freeze.

The Perfect Short Cut Trick for Homemade Egg McMuffins

Perfect Short Cut Trick for Homemade Egg Muffins – you have to click over to see this fun sanity saver, but yes, so worth it.

Homemade Waffles without butter  – this is by far the simplest waffle recipe, but I always triple the recipe and freeze the extras. Pop them in the toaster,  just like your favorite store bought brand, but save time, money and your health.

Overnight, Refrigerator Rise Cinnamon Rolls – the easiest homemade Cinnamon Roll recipe ever!

2 Ingredient Homemade Biscuits – yep, TWO!

Elegant Egg Bake - so delicious and whips up in five minutes.

Easy Elegant Egg Bake – a sweet friend introduced herself to me this week and share how this dish has saved her on many MOPS mornings. Yep, it’s one of those great recipes. 🙂

Enjoy and go conquer those mornings!!

Do you have any sanity saver breakfasts?

I’d love to hear about them. Better yet, send me a pic and the recipe, I’d love to feature them.


  1. […] Pancakes by My Own Sweet Thyme and Freeze Ahead Breakfast Skillet By Balancing Beauty and […]

  2. […] 15. Freezer Ready Breakfast Skillet. With suggestions on what to serve with it. Even the most picky eaters should find something they like! Here. […]

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