May 17, 2024

Easy Butterscotch Torte


Layers of delicious flavors make this Butterscotch Torte a perfect indulgence.

Do you love browsing old church cookbooks as much as I do? Honestly, one of my favorite recipes come from sweet Edna and Edith’s collections .

Those ladies know how to cook and they understand the definition of comfort food that feeds a crowd. It’s always fun to try and decipher some of the instructions and old ingredients. Yes,  I had to google Oleo in the past just to make sure I knew what they meant?

We just love this Butterscotch Torte. Great for summer!

Often, melding of flavors bring about such wonderful memories and one bite of this torte reminded me of childhood church potlucks. My sister in law brought this to a recent family gathering and I was so excited. The layers of flavors make this the perfect, light dessert. It’s one of those recipes which is easy to double. Just use a large, restaurant size pan, plus it’s wonderful to make well in advance to ease last minute prep. I’m always looking to build my repertoire of No Bake desserts and this is another delicious winner.

Layered wtih so many creamy flavors, this Butterscotch Torte is always a favorite.


  1. Whenever we take our kids out for ice cream, my whole family seems to always go for these elaborate concoctions, but I always get a simple scoop of vanilla with butterscotch topping. This torte looks perfect for me, but interesting enough my family will like it too. 🙂


    Jen Reply:

    Kellie – I can so relate. No matter what restaurant we go to , I always order the same thing, either a burger or taco salad and everyone laughs because it’s what I make at home all the time.


  2. Do you remember the dessert of the early ’80’s called “The Next Best Thing to Robert Redford”? It was this recipe, but used chocolate pudding. I recently looked it up and made it for my mom’s birthday and it was as good as we remembered it from all the church potluck dinners from 30 years ago!


    Jen Reply:

    Ok, I definitely like your name better. It makes a much better statement, but we would have to update the name to like Zac Efron or something. 🙂


  3. I love, love, love old church cookbooks! The recipes are pure comfort and joy. And I love this dessert. One of my all-time favorites.


  4. Love this dessert!


  5. Oh yum! I make a very similar dessert except that it used peanuts for the crust, has some peanut butter in the cream cheese layer and uses chocolate pudding instead of butterscotch. It’s SO good! I’d love to try this butterscotch version sometime. Would be a fun twist!


  6. Looks and sounds delicious!


  7. Just tried this and it came out amazing! Thank you so much.


    Jen Reply:

    So glad to hear this!


  8. Maureen says:

    My mom makes this with almonds, instead of pecans and lemon pudding, instead of butterscotch. Very yummy and refreshing for summer.


    Jen Reply:

    I bet that would be amazing too. I love that it’s kind of a “base” recipe, but you can switch it up based on flavors.


  9. My grandmother made this, she put toasted coconut on top. The butterscotch is heavenly.


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