May 17, 2024

Easy Berry Pancakes (& a huge life perspective change)


The Amazing and ever so Easy Berry Pancakes that made me step back and remember, “I don’t HAVE to, I GET to.”

Easy Berry Pancakes

This week has been one which has included a soul wrenching and dramatic shift in perspective. Hard life situations will do that, won’t they?

(Que: scurry away from computer thinking, “I just want a pancake recipe.”)  I know, I know and I’m going to give it to you, but first let me share my morning pondering.

I was convicted that one little word shift in my attitude and vocabulary can have a profound impact on how I do life with those around me.

Yesterday morning, our #3 son stumbled out of bed. He didn’t want the eggs I offered him, and barely grunted a few words of acknowledgment as he came downstairs. Honestly, he was just darn right unpleasant.

Does anyone else have kids that are a bear in the morning? Yes, it doesn’t sit well with me because choosing your attitude is one of those core momma beliefs in this home.

Easy Blueberry, strawberry, raspberry pancakes

When our children choose the easy way out, like complaining and grumbling, then my reaction for breakfast is, “Grab your own Poptart then.”

This morning, Mr. Grunter asked for pancakes.

Young mommas ask me for advice on picky eaters, and I share that I have never been, nor ever will be, a short order cook. What I make, the kids eat – with one “pass” food exception. (You can read all about my suggestions for picky eaters here), but this morning I let the annoyance slide.

This morning, my son came down the stairs and I didn’t care about the bad attitude because one of my dear friends will never again be able to make her 19 year old son breakfast.

She got that nightmare call and it’s hit me incredibly hard because I know how easily we could have gotten the same “car accident” call. We have three older sons just like they do. We worry and wonder about their driving, but it was them that answered that phone.

As our son grunted his way to the table, I knew my sweet friend would give anything for the same, annoying morning greeting. She would gladly be a short order cook. For the rest of her life, she will daydream about the breakfasts when he joined them at the table.

Use any of your favorite berries for these easy 4-Berry Pancakes

So I took pancakes a step further and packed them with love and made these into Easy Berry Pancakes. I added four different kinds of berries (thanks to Cosco’s frozen berry mix, fresh is best, but frozen is so easy) and I remembered that this thing called motherhood,

– this soul draining, calling I have on my life, this making of meals over and over when I’m tired and worn out and really don’t want to, it’s a privilege.


This simple perspective shift needs to be our mothering war cry.

It’s a one word gratitude challenge.

“I don’t HAVE to, I GET to  __________.”

So maybe this weekend, you make this delicious recipe (you’ll want to double it), and while you’re feeling all Martha Steward-y, make this homemade blueberry syrup too because you won’t believe how easy it is.

Then pray for/think about my precious friend, Tammy, her hubby and their three remaining children because life as they know it has changed forever.

Go laugh hard with your loved ones, bear hug them and tickle them, dance in the kitchen and do all the silly things you’ve been putting off because of your crazy fall schedule.

I’ll join you because we don’t have to, we get to.

Blueberry, strawberry (any kind of berry) pancakes

Make these delicious berry pancakes. With a touch of yogurt, they are the perfect breakfast starter.


  1. So sorry about your friend’s loss. what an important reminder you’ve shared (and I’ll be making this recipe)


    Jen Reply:

    Thank you, Julie! It just takes that one phone call to remind us of what is really important. (And yes, you’ll love these pancakes.)


  2. Oh Jen! That’s so true! Thank you for the reminder!


  3. Prayers for your friend and her family. I can’t imagine the pain they are facing.

    It is a wonderful blessing to be Mom to my son and Grandmother to his 2-littles. Thanks for this reminder how quick we move through this life. A whisper of a moment.


  4. Heather Anne says:

    Sweet reminder. Going through a season of grumbles with our son and I am so tempted to just grumble right back … and then I look at our boy/man and remember years of tears and longing, a hit and miss pregnancy, and 6 years of just praying we’d get through the day without another trip to the ER … and it just changes my heart to gratitude. He is faithful!

    I will pray that the peace that passes all understanding will guard this grieving family’s hearts – that they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt of God’s unfailing love for them as they travel through the valley of the shadow. During our deepest times of sorrow and loss, when our prayers were only groanings, it was such a comfort to know that others were praying for us. One of the only truly comforting things that someone shared with us during our grief was a quiet reminder that God’s heart was touched by our sorrow and His plan was to turn our mourning into joy – that His mercies were new every morning.


    Jen Reply:

    Heather – thank you so much for sharing your heart!! Yes, new mercies every morning.


  5. So true. Thank you so much for sharing and prayers to your friend.


    Jen Reply:

    Thank you so much, Keely.


  6. Hi Jen,

    Love your post. We’re SO in sync! I wrote about this very strategy for my Huffington Post column in September.

    A sure-fire step to living the good life. now, I want some of those pancakes!




  1. […] Easy Berry Pancakes (& a huge life perspective change) // Balancing Beauty & Bedlam […]

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