May 17, 2024

Life in Season: Celebrate the Moments that Fill Your Heart and Home



I remember Vanessa pulling me to the side of the room. Her eyes got big, her smile widened and I could feel her passion as she told me about a potential opportunity to share her heart through the pages of a book.  You see, Vanessa is one of those women I adore being around and I often wish we lived closer. I even had her come out to speak at my Becoming Conference last year because I knew everyone would adore her, her wisdom would inspire, and her workshop would be a favorite and I was right.

She’s a friend that oozes a sweet, peaceful spirit to everyone around her and since we can’t hang out in real life, the next best thing I can offer you is her heart on a page. 🙂

It’s an honor to cheer on my friends when they take a risk and let me tell you, committing to write a book takes that “dig deep in your soul and pray for words that often don’t come” kind of risk. Yet here we here,  a few years after that first conversation, and Vanessa, along with her equally amazing sister Heather, have gifted us with nuggets of truth and encouragement.

Their book, Life in Season: Celebrate the Moments That Fill Your Heart & Home mimics the heart of their blog (At the Picket Fence) as well as mine, was created so that everyone would feel that they have a place where they belong, where they are known and can be themselves. 

Their deepest desire is that among the pages of ‘Life in Season’ you will know you aren’t alone, that you are worthy, that you are loved and they do that by taking you on a journey through the seasons of the year with faith-filled stories, encouraging devotions, beautiful photographs, DIY projects and recipes.


Their invitation: “Life In Season cordially invites you to savor each day, week and season of life. If you’re anything like us, your life is a little imperfect. Rumpled, wrinkled, messy even. But somewhere between unfolded laundry and faucets needing cleaning, between occasional headaches and joy-threatening heartaches, there are moments of creativity and beauty that are perfect for celebrating.


We believe our very creative God was deliberate in the ways that He gifted creativity to us. Whether you know it or not, you are creative and your creativity reflects God and His work in your life.

Life in Season is everything you need to slow down, embrace the beauty and the struggle, and celebrate the moments that fill your heart and home.”


Find it here: Life in Season (hardback) (plus if you purchase $25 in books by tonight – Tuesday, Amazon will take $10 off with coupon code HOLIDAYBOOK at checkout.)

More about my sweet friends: Heather and Vanessa share their inspiration, struggles, faith, and encouragement to women who, just like themselves, want a warm, God-centered, joy-filled life. Meditations, photographs, and simple, budget-friendly home decor tips and recipes are woven throughout Life In Season to help you celebrate the moments that fill your home, heart, and faith. Their easy-to-follow style and real-life stories prove that you don’t need to consider yourself creative to create a home you will love.


  1. Such wonderful reminders. Off to check this out.


  2. Thank you so much sweet friend for your kind words and for sharing our book with your readers here!!! xoxo


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