June 1, 2024

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel….


Today I was completely planning on posting a follow up toMonday’s Margin in the Rat Race of Life, but since I am frantically packing for a conference that I am going to (yes, I am now an official blogger when […]

Thank you …to the third power!!!


Third power? Do you remember what that means?Just a little math to get your fuzzy brains thinking this weekend. If you don’t want to think, you can scroll down for the yard sale treasures.:) I just started blogging, and I […]

Beauty and the Beast


If you’re new to my blog, each day I share my experiences of beauty and bedlam. First – the beauty, but keep scrolling down because the bedlam is priceless. There was a terrible thunderstorm that swept through the area while […]

Snakes, boys and things that scream "ahh" in the night


BEDLAM I begin today with my bedlam moment. My husband and sons were coming home from golfing when they eyed this lovely piece of God’s creation (remember…choose joy). It was enjoying a leisurely sun bath by our front stairs.Isn’t it […]

SSSOOOO EASY, and cute ta boot!


“MMOOOOOMMMMM, I want to do that! Mom, can I please paint….Mom, it’s my turn now.” I am going to make a sweeping statement and assume that my household is not the only home where these words ring true. Just when […]

Do you smell the freshly baked bread?


There is something about the sense of smell that creates powerful emotions. It’s beautiful thing really.Close your eyes and think of a favorite smell.Is there a special memory tied to it?Can you recall a specific event?Maybe a Thanksgiving meal?How about […]

New Goodwill Store – Does my heart good…..


I was in shopping heaven yesterday, and felt so wonderfully pampered. Where else but the best of the best would offer free door to door shuttle service which aims to please? A warm kind hearted sheriff that directs traffic and… […]

Comforting Corners and Controlled Chaos…


Since you all know that I am new to the blogging world, I have been trying to find “my niche.” What is it that I want to convey with the few moments that I have to spend?As my desire for […]

When it rains, it pours……


We decided to be spontaneous and go blueberry picking. Well, not quite so spontaneous…I had gone before with the little ones, but decided one of the beauties of multiple kids is the cheap labor. So train them well when they’re […]

Arouse the senses – BEAUTY


In a garden, there is something magical about all the senses coming to life. I passionately pursue avenues to exhilarate our family’s senses, and gardening surely does that.I also experience a wide range of emotions during my daily outing in […]