June 2, 2024

Can You Freely Share Your Bedlam?


The story of the recipe that is so easy, it was made in the back seat of a mini van – literally. Last night, we hosted a cook out for families involved in the Classical Conversations home school program that […]

Brownie Recipe + Necessary Chocolate = Chaos


It started as a delicious thought; Mother-Daughter baking and bonding time. What better goal for a school morning that to conquer the perfect homemade chocolate brownie recipe. But alas, the recipe called for a chocolate baking bar. Hmm….it had been […]

I Walked Onto the Set of I Love Lucy: Bulk Food Storage


It’s posts like this where my blog name comes to fruition. Sheer Bedlam! Last week, I starred in the latest episode of I Love Lucy. I know some of you think it’s been off the air for over fifty years, […]

Stressed Some?


The holidays are the least stressful time of the year for me. Can you believe it? When everyone else is running ragged, I thoroughly enjoy my month of December. I partially plan ahead, clear my plate of many outside responsibilities, […]

When Bedlam Strikes, You Have a Choice…


It’s been “one of those” weeks for me, and that is an understatement. A multitude of bedlam moments struck full force causing untold damage that is so unbelievably blog worthy, I can’t even stand it. For the sake of protecting […]

Just Another Day in the Country…(sheer bedlam)


Often there is an idyllic image that goes along with our family homestead. Do you envision waking up every morning to the sweet sound of chickens crooning softly? Flowers meandering in perfectly neat rows, smiling pristinely for our cutting pleasure, […]

Frugal Family Fun – Be Easily Amused


It never ceases to amaze me how the spontaneous, crazy and FREE things in life become highlights of our family time. I love instilling a “be easily amused” mentality; it reaps rewards by children who enjoy frugal family fun. Everyone […]

Frugal Fashionista Meets Dog Whisperer


Life has gotten in the way of my Frugal Fashionista series and many of you have emailed wondering where it’s been on Fridays. Well, have no fear, my Frugal designer outfits (for less than $15) happen on a daily basis, […]

Saved by the Bell…


Heading out the door, the children started yelling that something was beeping. Well, if you spend any amount of time in this home, beeping of some sort is a daily occurrence, so I definitely wasn’t that concerned. You know what […]

Baking and Decorating Christmas Cookies


Gathered in the kitchen, aprons of old clenched tightly around my waist, I close my eyes while the delectable aroma of my freshly baked gingerbread cookies arouse sensations and memories of baking days gone past.

I’m so proud of this gorgeous Christmas Tree project.


Martha Stewart I am!


The Real Family Photos – beauty and bedlam style


It’s Christmas time. The time of year when we gather our fashionista best and smile pretty for the camera. Right?

Well, the best laid family photos do not always turn out how we expected. We’ll capture our traditional family picture on Christmas eve, but in honor of my sweet friend Toni’s request to share some of our not so perfect family photos, I thought I would give you one of our bedlam moment “out takes.”

As I was redoing my blog header up above, I thought it would be fun to capture a family “beauty and bedlam” shot in action. It started out so beautifully with my amazing photographer husband helping us out.

Winter Bedlam


Yes, beautiful North Carolina Winter Wonderland is bliss, unless you slip off the hill into the briers on either side of the jump.

Every one agrees, he looks just like one of Wolverine’s victims (from the X-men, for those of you not familiar with the movie.)

Before Hiring a Santa…


Dear Retail Establishments:

Before hiring a Santa, please ask to see what “said Santa” looks like in his Santa gear. Not trying to perpetuate the attitude that “looks are all that matters,” but when hired Santa sends children screaming to their mamas, an image consultant needs to be consulted quickly.

The Art of Multitasking


When you attempt to master the art of multitasking during a Freezer Day, realize that having a definite plan of attack in place is a good thing.

Tasty Tuesday – South American Style


It’s been a long time since I’ve traveled internationally, but one of the thing that never ceases to amaze me, especially in the Central/South American countries, is the variety of foods offered on every single corner, and window front. There […]