May 17, 2024

For the Love of Blueberries


Blueberries and I have a long standing love affair.

She woos me over and over again with her many, delicious attributes and reminds me of why my quest for the perfect basket of blueberries has been an annual tradition for ages.

Personally, I’ve planted a few bushes in my back yard, but they don’t love me quite as much as I love them, so they basically mock me with just a little cereal candy.

Blueberries pack a punch of flavor and nutrition. As I’ve been struggling to stay consistent with healthy eating choices and my weight, there’s one thing that stays true – blueberries. When a craving hits, I know reaching for them and “indulging” maintains my guilt free status. For me, it’s really about planning ahead so that I can make the wise food choices, which means stocking my fridge with finger foods that are healthy and easily accessible.

Blueberries are God’s little candy and and I’d take them over the dime store variety any day.

A little history about my blog, the second post that I ever wrote here was about our blueberry picking expedition in the pouring rain. I barely even knew what a blog was when I shared this story, and that day is still one of my favorite memories.

I like to stock up on enough blueberries to last me for blueberry muffins, smoothies, cakes, pancakes and more.

 Picking and Freezing Blueberries

I shared my simple tips on How to Freeze Blueberries so you can enjoy them year round and taking a few minutes to flash freeze them is so worth it.

Some of my favorites: Simple Blueberry Banana Muffins

Low Fat Blueberry Pound Cake

Blueberry Ricotta Pancake recipe with a homemade simple blueberry syrup

and lastly,

Pork Tenderloin with Blueberry Sauce

Pork Tenderloin with Blueberry Sauce over at 10 Minute Dinners

What are your favorite ways to use blueberries? I’d LOVE to hear!

Partnering with the Blueberry Council on this post was a no brainer, since sharing my love of all things blueberries oozes out of my kitchen. If you follow me on facebook or Instagram, you know I love blueberry season!!

For this Tasty Tuesday, share your own inspiration with some of the ways you love blueberries. I know the Blueberry Council would love to hear it as well.


  1. I have three blueberry bushes in pots. I’m hoping over time to add a few more. Thanks for hosting.


  2. Jessica Cox says:

    My FIL has several blueberry bushes… 300! 😉 He has a couple acres and an odd lot, perfect for blueberry bushes. Only 7 bushes are really of a mature size. The past 2 years we had a terrible harvest due to late freeze or drought. I am praying (PRAYING!!!) we get a great harvest this year! Blueberry jam makes my Christmas gift-giving a no-brainer!


  3. oh my word – 300?? You are going to be in blueberry heaven. I would LOVE to have a little orchard like that. I have planted a bunch and keep losing them. I need to amend the soil, even though we have acidic which is great for them, and study a bit more on growing them.


  4. We have a blueberry farm down the road, we made 3 trips last week! I love my 5 minute cobbler, so yummy & EASY!


  5. Natalie Young says:

    My son (age 7) has discovered that his favorite way to eat them is frozen. He says they taste like ice cream.


  6. I love blueberries. I grew up in Oregon near a huge blueberry farm. Now I live in Oklahoma and am growing my own blueberries. We have about 10 plants and are picking some already this year. Blueberries fresh from the garden are so good. Here are a few of my favorite blueberry recipes.


  7. I pinned your post to my blueberry board. We love blueberries in desserts or just by themselves. Yum!



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