June 14, 2024

Fastest, Frugal Decorating Redo – Painting


Paint is one of the easiest, quickest, and definitely the most frugal way to update and change any decorating aspect in your home. I’ve been doing some serious painting lately, and it’s always a blast to involved the kids.  It’s […]

Adding Fringe – Decorating on a Dime


I have a love/hate relationship with fabric. The designer fashion fabric that drapes on my body for pennies on the dollar… I LOVE. However, the kind of fabric I buy in a bolt willing me to create easy masterpieces for […]

Painting a Laminate Cabinet Island


For years, I dreamed of having an open kitchen with white cabinets. Envisioning it filled with family and friends was the goal. I knew that laminate cabinets were our option because the alternative was not in our budget, nor was […]

Decorating with Ornaments


Scrambling to decorate last evening, minutes before my guests were to arrive, reality set in…it was not going to happen.

Think quickly, Jen. How could I add that holiday feel with only minutes to prepare, yet still give some decorating bang for my frugal buck?

Decorate with ornaments, and cut some greenery from the outside bushes, of course. (And since I’m a fancy schmancy photographer, you’ll see me sitting on the counter taking those two pictures. 🙂 )

Creative Garland Decorating Ideas


You all know how I love to incorporate frugal, fancy, creative decorating ideas, so what better treat then a combination of my own creative inspiration and that of a place where dreams come true – Disney.

Bringing Beauty to an Old Metal Tray


Buying an ugly, old, tray and transforming it into something beautiful brings me joy.

I love simple pleasures, and taking something that was heading for the trash and turning it into a treasure for under one dollar is simple bliss.

When I saw this old tray at a yard sale, I almost walked right past it. But then the “thinking outside the box” mentality kicked into full gear, found out it was one little quarter, and I snatched it with joy.

Pottery Barn Inspired Bedroom Decor, Chandelier


Hearing that a post has inspired both creativity and frugality in one of my readers delights me to no end.
When Cara emailed me that she had some Pottery Barn inspired bedroom decor and had conquered a Pottery Barn chandelier for under $10, I was delighted when she shared the pictures.

I am in the process (yes, the process has been stalled on quite a few occasions) of finishing my girls’ room with a Pottery Barn inspired butterfly theme. I can’t wait to show you how an entire Pottery Barn room makeover can happen for under $100 (with furniture).

Inspiration for holiday festivities?


Knowing that many booths around me were calling my name, I finally snuck away for a few minutes and captured some inspiration to get me into the holiday mood. Yes, there were plenty of ways to be inspired for the holiday festivities, and this was from only 1/10 of the aisles.The weekend leading up to my trip to Ecuador, I was working furiously manning my Homemade Gourmet booth. Serving samples, sharing cooking tips for making “4 Meals in 4 Minutes” and encouraging people with unique family traditions. My weekend would not have worked with out the extra help from my family. They were troops and stepped up SO MUCH! My daughter was the main sampler maker and server. Who wouldn’t buy from someone who shared, ” I made those just for you this morning.” 🙂

Painting Wood Furniture Black


How easy is it to paint wood furniture? Why not be daring by painting furniture black, and better yet get it done for only $20.

Creative Party Ideas: DIY Coffee Bar


(explanation of the DIY coffee bar below) I am quite sure that one of my love languages comes in a hot, brown liquid form. So when my niece had an amazingly creative party idea, and offered not only a coffee […]

Gorgeous DIY Cupcake Stand: Wedding Cupcake Stand


One of the growing new trends in weddings is the elimination of the traditional wedding cake. By going a bit trendy, more thrifty, and pouring forth a lot of creative DIY juices, you can make a spectacular statement with a […]

Creating a Tablescape: Tablescape Ideas


When I threw out my “30 days of intentional living” idea, many of you said, “Count me in.” As I ponder and think through what my goals are for that month, I am the first to understand that encouraging you […]

It’s a Christmas Party


It’s official! I have completely lost my mind! After having been gone for NINE DAYS and TWO HOURS on our “spontaneous” football National Championship “vacation” – HA, HA – I walked into my home during the wee hours of the […]

Garland Glory…well almost


My sweet friend, the Nester, has inspired us to share our glorious garlands in all of their gorgeousness.Why has it taken me 15 years to figure out that I could take my fake, wimpy, little garland, mix it with another […]

Reindeer Reigns – Show and Tell Friday


Does Show and Tell bring back fun, fond memories of childhood days gone by?Well, I am joining in this Friday’s Show and Tell, during the midst of procrastinating, I mean packing, to honor my sister in law who passed away […]