June 1, 2024

Resurrection Rolls – Making Simple Easter Recipes Meaningful


I can’t believe it’s been eight years since I first shared this post. My baby was only five and now she’s a new teenager. Oh my! How does that happen?  I thought this was worth sharing again because it’s a […]

Easter, The Bunny, and My Thoughts: Should We Mix the Two?


How is it that Easter is right around the corner? I have so many fun traditions, recipes and decor ideas in the archives if you’re looking for more ideas, check here. As a young mom, with four babies in five […]

Family Easter Traditions: Make Magical Memories


Oh, I love the season of spring. It symbolizes new growth, inspiration and hope of things to come.  Yes, with spring in the air, it means that Easter is almost here.  A time to celebrate God’s goodness, but also a […]

Ever So Fun & Inexpensive Table Centerpieces (perfect for Easter)


I’ve shared this post idea previously, and it’s still one of my very favorite frugal and creative ways to bring a touch of Spring to my decor. Honestly, for one dollar worth of seeds, you can create the most fun […]

Easter Basket Trail: Easter Morning Idea


Easter Morning Idea: Follow the Ribbon Tradition It’s so simple to make magical memories with your children and I had such fun reminiscing, as I just loaded last year’s pictures. Why don’t you take just a few minutes to add […]

Fun and Festive Bunny Napkin Fold


When I entertain, I love to create and develop a simple, yet fun and elegant tablescapes on a budget. I always make sure that some unique napkin fold comes into play. Learning to fold napkins is such an easy way […]

Easter Bunny Sweet Trail


Easter Bunny Sweet Trail For those of you who enjoy engaging your children’s imaginations with the Easter Bunny, you already know that your children or grandchildren look forward to the Easter Bunny every single year. There are many delightful ways […]

Brainstorming New Things For Our Easter Meal


As Spring blooms, and the windows crack their seals to let in the beautiful air, creativity blossoms in this home. There’s something about this time of year that spurs me on. Spray paint cans find their way out to bring […]

Magic Jelly Beans to Lollipops Garden Cake (Easter Tradition, but perfect for any party)


Some of the most memorable and imaginative  traditions that I incorporated into our family tapestry came when our children were young. The first year I did this Magic Jelly Beans to Lollipop Garden Cake, it was pure magic. I wish […]

Magic Jelly Beans & the Lollipop Garden (Easter Tradition)


Create pure magic and enjoy the wonder of your child’s imagination as they watch these Magic Jelly Beans grow into their own special Lollipop Garden. (Read here how to use this as a character building activity with “Joy Filled Jelly […]

Rice Krispie Easter Basket: the Best in Easter Basket Treats


With Easter right around the corner, people will begin hunting for fun, yet easy, Easter recipes that are a perfect idea for Cooking with the Kids. There’s nothing better to spruce up Easter Basket treats then to make them ourselves, […]

Share Easter Laughter with a Time of Joke Telling


A lot of laughter always occurs during our extended family’s Easter Egg-stravaganza, but when we came across some funny Easter Jokes for kids and adults, I knew a new tradition was about to be born. Since our kids are always […]

What are your Easter Meal Ideas?


Every year we host our traditional Easter brunch and our favorite – Easter Eggstravaganza. It’s always a casual buffet style, since there’s typically around 25 – 30 people, and this allows for easy service. Everyone brings some of their favorites, […]

Egg Knocking Contest: Easter Traditions for Children


As we approach Easter, I’ll be sharing some fun Easter traditions and Easter Games, like this Egg Knocking Contest that I first heard of when I was a traditions consultant with Once Upon a Family. It’s such a fun addition […]

Easter Food Traditions


As Easter Sunday approaches, many of us try to iron out our last minute holiday plans. On the other hand,  many know exactly what will be served on Sunday because it just wouldn’t be Easter without our favorite foods. There’s […]