June 15, 2024

Low Fat Orange Chicken Recipe (in less than 10 Minutes)


Delicious Low Fat, Orange Chicken recipe. As good as the Restaurant!

Over the last year, I’ve slowly been increasing our repertoire of deliciously, simple recipes, which are easy enough that my kids can make. It’s completely a bonus when I’ve tweaked the recipe to where they are low fat as well.

Just like my Simple Sesame Chicken recipe, this “Chinese” Orange Chicken recipe delivers all the taste of the recipe we love without all the fat from deep frying.  Two years ago, at my band rehearsal, my friend brought me a little Tupperware full of this Orange Chicken. I devoured it and insisted on the recipe. She proceeded to tell me, garlic, ginger, red chili sauce, soy sauce and orange marmalade with NO amounts listed. I panicked. How can she except me to guess, yet those are the types of challenges that have made me a better cook over the years.

I am listing amounts, but remember that once you’ve made it once, tweak it  to your family’s palette. Enjoy this Low Fat take on Orange Chicken. Since I grill and bake chicken strips in bulk, and then have Ziplock bags ready to go in my freezer, this meal whips up quickly, meeting my requirements for a great Ten Minute Dinner.

bread chicken Simple Sesame Chicken at Home

My very simple breading technique is to just use flour. Mix the flour and chicken in a ziplock bag or just a bowl for ease. I guarantee, you will want to make additional chicken in this manner for lots of easy chicken recipes.
De-glazing the pan is just the fancy cooking term that means remove all those extra yummy, caramelized pieces that were left behind when you cooked up your garlic and chicken and make sure they get added to your sauce.

deglaze the pan Simple Sesame Chicken at HomeYes, it starts out liquid-y, but will thicken into sheer deliciousness.

I double and triple this recipe and my family will still continue to eat as long as I’ve made it. I try and put some away before they see the extra amounts, so that I have another meal out of it. It freezes very well, but typically, we just heat it up the next day.

The kids still pick my Sesame Chicken Recipe (which is the same technique) as their first choice, but since they love a change like I do, this is another great low fat option. I’ve included multiple steps, but once you’ve made it a few times, it will be one of those recipes that you have memorized and go to on any busy evening.


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  1. How did you know I had a jar of orange marmalade in my pantry that I bought for 50 cents??? 🙂 Looks great, will definitely try it soon.


  2. You can also dredge chicken in cornstarch and let sit for 15 minutes before cooking. It gets nice and crispy if you have to do it in 2 batches. (I learned that little trick from a gluten-free website) I have been craving orange chicken lately! Thanks for the recipe!


    Tawna Reply:

    @Tawna, oops! supposed to be “if you cook it in two batches”


    Jen Reply:

    Yes, that is a great tip. The chicken also gets nice and crispy if dredged in egg whites and flour too, but with “attempting” to keep this as a Ten Minute Dinner, those extra minutes might keep someone from making it. I think I’ll share that though in an additional post for those who want to take the few extra minutes because yes, it’s so good that way. 🙂


  3. Why haven’t I thought of that…to grill and freeze chicken?! I need to do this and then make this – my family loves orange chicken – thanks!


  4. We love orange chicken and I think this recipe is better than the one I’ve been using. Thanks


  5. Jacki Holmes says:

    Sounds Great – I’m going to make this tomorrow


  6. Working on my menu for next week right now, so I’m adding this in! Thanks for the inspiration!


  7. He, he – I had to chuckle at your comments of your friend giving you the recipe and then not mentioning amounts – and then I looked at your recipe and chuckled again when I read “1/3 soy sauce” and “1/2 water.” Torture us too! 😉


    Jen Reply:

    OH NO!! Thanks for noticing my typo. Those are CUPS. 🙂


  8. I made this tonight for the first time. Hubby says it’s a keeper! (I love it, too). Thanks for a quick, delicious recipe!


  9. Leanna McGowan says:

    This recipe is not only good but really fast and easy. I make this at least once a week. I use two of the really big Costco chicken breasts. I don’t need to double the amount of sauce – it serves four and comes out perfect.


  10. The link to make the orange sauce does not work for me. I have no idea how to make it!


    Jen Reply:

    Jessica – the ingredients needed and directions are located in the recipe box portion of the post. If you scroll down, you hopefully should see it.


  11. Thank you for this recipe. I have a tried and true recipe but it takes soooo much longer, so I haven’t made it in a while.
    I did have to add cornstarch. I let the mixture boil for about 10 minutes and it never thickened up.


  12. Could I substitute apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar?


    Jen Reply:

    Yes, you can. It will have a bit more of an acidic taste, but will still be good. 🙂



  1. […] vinegar, not enough flavor, or just plan awful. So, when I found this easy orange chicken recipe on Balancing Beauty & Bedlam, I was skeptical. I had mentally prepped myself for another “not a keeper” […]

  2. […] Low Fat Orange Chicken […]

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